The inclusion of this xoops.js is inserted in /modules/newbb/viewpost.php and viewtopic.php
// To enable image auto-resize by js
$xoops_module_header .= '';
You could comment out this line, as it is already included by the header.
So, it is no problem of the XOOPS version or upgrade.
However if it isn't in the textsanitizer/ I get blank debug windows,
That's the first time I hear about this causing blank pages.
However the intention was to include the JavaScripts for CaricaFoto. If you have problems with the resizing of images in your posts, you should replace /Frameworks/textsanitizer/xoops.js by /class/textsanitizer/image/image.js
The newbb install instructions talked about installing Frameworks, but this is no longer needed, because 2.4.x has all the required Frameworks. Make sure you have the files that came with the core. Check it with the file check (see release notes) when in doubt.