redheadedrod wrote:
We really just need to work with what we have and not worry about what the future holds. And hope in the process that DJ can make some serious progress and bring some new ideas to the table. And if it all does happen like that and we end up with a 3.0 then great, we will spend the next 6 months upgrading modules and such to make them work with 3.0...
Dear redheadedrod and others,
You are really appreciated for your understanding and support.
In the past 13 months I have concentrated on X3 and left XOOPS 2.* branch to other developers. Then we saw a big boost of code contribution to XOOPS 2.0 core from developers like catzwolf, wishcraft, trabis on 2.4* and Muss with his team on 2.5*.
However, due to lack of communication or different understanding of XOOPS engine, the XOOPS trunk and 2.* branch got out of control of quality and compatibility.
Fortunately we have some great developers who have made wise decisions on quality control to prevent our 2.* froom going away too far. Just like the below post I sent to Core Dev list on June 5th when I started to clean up XOOPS 2.* branch:
Thank you trabis!
I did not realize you saved XOOPS once by the revision:
Revision #### - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri Jun 12 00:40:14 2009 UTC (11 months, 3 weeks ago) by trabis
Original Path: XoopsCore/trunk/htdocs/modules/system/admin/groups/main.php
File length: 11976 byte(s)
Diff to previous ####
Removing ####, ####, etc
(we need to this other way, really!)
I felt really desperate when I looked at revision ##### and was about to give up cleaning XOOPS svn.
But, thanks god I saw your great decision on revision #####.
I will continue.
We need X3 come out as soon as possible. However we can not leave X2 branch broken. Thus I have to stop X3 dev and move back on 2.* branch cleaning up, since about four weeks ago.
Our plan was to have XOOPS 2.4.5 final released in first week of June and an internal preview of X3 by end of this month.
However due to some license conflicts caused by code introduced in 2.4 and potential compatibility issues, we have to spend more efforts than expected.
Currently I am going through every single commit in XOOPS SVN from revision #2902 to #4769 to rebuild XOOPS trunk.
I hope with help from trabis and other developers we can clean up 2.* branch and rebuild trunk soon. Then we can resume 2.5 on a solid code base.
Meanwhile I still continue developing X3, but not that concentrated unless 2.45 final is released and svn trunk is rebuilt.
Before X3 is ready for public development/design, I wish developers can focus on module development and theme design, or proof-of-concept development.