problems running My Links mod on a linux server

I have my links 1.19 and happy linux 1.50, I have php5 on a linux server, and XOOPS 2.3.3 the my links mod is not working. Any suggestions? I can see the links but when I click on them I am redirected back; it goes nowhere.

Also, if I switch to the web links mod, what changes do I need to make in the sql file in order to import the my links mod database.

Last, what's the difference between the two mods?


Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server
  • 2009/8/18 22:33

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Check the group permissions of your module: Is your users group allowed to access, view or administer the module?
Set debug on in the system preferences and see if there are any messages.
Check also all install and other text files to see if all things are correctly installed and provided or setup (eg libraries, module dependencies, folders setup and permissions, ...)
I can't tell you about differences of the two modules.
But if you look in the SQL files you can identify the tables used in the modules and identify the datafields.
For each field you must learn what the purpose or function is: the name will tell already a lot.
The two modules will have some fields with maybe a different name but with a similar use. Once you have these related fields you can copy them from one table to the other with phpMyAdmin. Eg.:
INSERT INTO desttable (field1field2field3)
SELECT fieldafieldbfieldc FROM srctable;

Install on your local PC eg XAMPP with XOOPS and your modules as on the website. With a copy of your database, you have a complete play garten to experiment.
Some examples of conversion between two forum modules are here.

Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server

Having weblinks... why are you using mylinks? Weblinks is fresh, updated & really useful

If you need, you can upgrade all content from mylinks...donĀ“t wait !!!

Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server

I can't seem to find the upgrade/newer version mod for mylinks. I chose it because it would work with the whats new mod but I think I'll just use blocks to display what is new.

I did try to match the table in weblinks with the mylinks tables. I think there is one table for the link and it's text and in web links I think it's split into 3...something like that, so that's where the brob came in...

Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server

My group permissions are good. I always check all that settings before I post my queries.

I know the cache folders are 777 and templates_c, but what about the actual mod folder, I have it at 777 and what is the permission for xoop_lib?

Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server
  • 2009/8/20 8:46

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Directories are usually 755 and files 644. All the exceptions are listed in the release notes.

Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server

k thanks - permissions

here are my debug errors

Warning: Class 'XoopsTree' is deprecated, check 'XoopsObjectTree' in tree.php in file /class/xoopstree.php line 45
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_GET_VARS in file /modules/mylinks/viewcat.php line 32
Warning: MyTextSanitizer::makeTboxData4Show is deprecated in file /class/module.textsanitizer.php line 665

Re: problems running My Links mod on a linux server
  • 2009/8/21 8:16

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

The deprecated notices are for module developers and may be ignored.

I assume you have an old version, try to upgrade to 1.11.


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