I don't want to show the last uploads and/or random pictureson the start page. How do I edit what's shown on the start page of coppermine?[/b]
1. login as admin into your CPG setup
2. click on "Admin Mode" if it is not already enabled
3. Click on Config in the "Admin Menu"
4. under "Album list view" use the above provided keywords:
* 'breadcrumb': navigation inside the gallery (e.g. "home > category > subcategory > album")
* 'catlist': category list
* 'alblist': album list
* 'random': random pictures (leaving random pictures "on" for huge galleries with more than 10,000 pics might result in performance problems; switch random "off" in this case)
* 'lastup': last uploads
* 'topn': most viewed
* 'toprated': top rated
* 'lastcom': last comments
* 'lasthits': last viewed
* 'lastalb': last created albums
* 'anycontent': inserts php-generated custom content that YOU have coded into the file 'anycontent.php' and displays the content on the index page. It can be used to include banner-rotation scripts, welcome scripts, or similar. Where it appears in the index page is determined by it's placement in the string example below.
(e.g. anycontent/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2 translates to: "anycontent file contents, category list, album list, 2 rows of random pics, 2 rows of last uploads" -- and will display in the order that they are listed)
I'm probably a dummy, but I can't for the life of me find this in xcgal, trolled thru all the php and html files, and couldn't find anycontent/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2 either? Have been trying to change this detail; random,2/lastup,2 to random,3/ or random,3/lastup,0 which ever applies. HELP!
Thanks again in advance.