editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/17 23:22

  • Knuxchan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 54

  • Since: 2008/12/10

Hi, can someone direct me to any links or places that discuss how to edit the overall layout of the newbb module? For instance, I want to move the poster's name on the right side of the post rather than the left, I want the poster's avatar to be moved to the right of the post, I don't want the HP, MP, and EXP lines to show up, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Re: editing newbb layout

I don't know if there are any tutorials specifically for NewBB, but what you need to do is play around with the module's template files.
If you have a moderately good grip of html and CSS, you'll be fine.
If you're going to do this through the XOOPS backend, don't forget that you should work on a 'cloned' template set - create the 'clone' set in admin>system>templates (which will need to then be set in admin>system>Preferences>general settings> Also, while on that page, don't forget to set 'Check templates for modifications ?' to 'yes')

Happy xoopsing!
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/18 17:45

  • Knuxchan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 54

  • Since: 2008/12/10

So everything I need to do to edit the forum layout will be in the newbb template folder, then? What about if I want to change some of the text? (For example, if a user posts, it says "User:" then their username. What if I want to change the word "User" to something like "Current Poster?" Do I change all that in the templates folder? or is there another place I have to go?

I didn't see any CSS files in the templates folder when I looked. They're all html files with a little bit of PHP in some of them.
I didn't see anything about the RPG bars in these files, either...

Re: editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/19 14:21

  • Knuxchan

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  • Posts: 54

  • Since: 2008/12/10

Okay, I think I found the soultion to my previous problem by poking around the folders, however it doesn't seem to be reflecting the changes I make when I test the site.
I went to the ../templates/newbb_index.html file and saw that's where the layout and such are at, however, when I make changes to it, it doesn't reflect on the site when I test it out. So I did a test to see if anything is pointing to this folder by changing the templates folder to 'templates01' and I didn't come up with an error page or anything when I tried to run the site. So I'm wondering what is the point of this folder if nothing is pointing to it?

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out. It seems I can't edit these files offline and upload them back to the folder via FTP. I have to edit these files through the TemplateSetManager on the admin control panel site.

Re: editing newbb layout

ok, you've just worked on your original templates. If you've not made any mistakes, all good and well. If you'd made a clone set (as I wrote before, you'd have something to go back to in the event of a balls up).
Have you switched the template settings in
admin>system>Preferences>general settings>
as mentioned above?
Have you emptied your browser's cache?
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/19 14:54

  • Knuxchan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 54

  • Since: 2008/12/10

Yes, I made a clone template which I'm working off of now. And I already cleared the cache/cookies.

Now I'm getting another weird error sometimes when I make changes to the files. I get a page that says: "Taking you back where you were..."
I searched these forums for a solution and found this link: https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=521
But there's no link to the patch. So where can I get this patch? I was doing searches all over the foums and couldn't find a link to download any patch.

Re: editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/19 16:26

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

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From what I understand from the FAQ is that the patch was causing the problem. So, you don't want it!
And the resolution seems to copy templates from the original default template set to the custom template set. (In fact undoing some customization.) Trick seems to determine which template is causing the problem.

Re: editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/19 16:41

  • Knuxchan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 54

  • Since: 2008/12/10

Ah ok, then.
Well I get this error everytime I try to update my custom template, so I assume it's the admin.php file?
or the link that points to the 'submit' button when you edit a template?

Re: editing newbb layout
  • 2008/12/19 21:04

  • anderssk

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 335

  • Since: 2006/3/21

I agree with ghia and sailjapan, but there is an smarter way. (but that is a secret )

All Your templates for newbb is located in the directory
/modules/newbb/templates and /modules/newbb/templates/blocks

Assuming that You are using a theme named default
You can just copy the templates from the newbb directory to

Now You can edit the templates in the theme directory and always keep the templates in the module originaly.

XOOPS will always look after templates in the theme directory and use that theme before the one in the module directory.


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