seth_sd wrote:
I guess it's always a bit of a trade off. Inbox(Smartfactory) seems to have decent marketing which in turn allows them to continue to stand behind their modules and release them on a regular basis...Such as the latest version of SmartSection 2.14 that was just released or XIGG for that matter. I don't know the ins and outs of the license but it seems a small price to pay for some of the better modules out there?
so all smartfactory modules are
ADWARES (not opensource):
* Advertising that is integrated into software. Adware is often combined with a host application that is provided at no charge as long as the user ...
http://www.microsoft.com/security/glossary.mspx * What is spyware or adware and how can I remove it?
* A type of Advertising Display Software that delivers advertising content potentially in a manner or context that may be unexpected and unwanted by users. Many adware applications also perform tracking functions, and therefore may also be categorized as Tracking Technologies. ...
http://www.f-secure.com/security_center/malware_code_glossary.html * A form of Malware normally consisting of 'pop-up' and other advertisements. ^ Back to Top ^
http://www.albany.edu/its/glossary.htm * Free software that is loaded onto a users computer, with the users permission, to perform some useful task (like automatically filling in their web forms), in exchange for the ability to track the users web activity and show the user targeted contextual ads. ...
http://www.elearners.com/resources/advertising-glossary.asp * Adware is a computer program that can be installed on personal computers (usually without the permission from the owner). Adware collects information and sends it back to a third party. These programs often record information such as which web sites you have visited or what you have downloaded. ...
http://www.netalert.net.au/redirect.asp * Adware is a software program that is, more often than not, packaged along with free software. Entrenched under the veil of this free software like search programming, games, desktop utilities like screensavers or timepiece, these appliances are used to track your internet habits and log the user ...
http://www.pcsecuritynews.com/spyware_definitions_terminology.html * Installed by stealth on computers, Adware is software that causes disruptive and unwanted advertising to appear in various programs.
* Like spyware, this is software that installs itself on another computer without the owner’s knowledge, and in certain situations places advertisements on the screen.
http://www.genderit.org/en/index.shtml * Adware is form of client-side ad serving software that delivers advertising to consumers. Unlike server-side ad-serving technology, which delivers ads to a Web site visited by the consumer, adware is a unique technology where the delivery of the ad is actually part of the software and ...
http://www.whenu.com/pc_definitions.html * Software, usually installed at the same time as part of a shareware application, which displays advertising banners or popup windows to the user. Adware is often criticised as it may pass on the user’s personal information to a third party without their knowledge via their internet connection. ...
http://www.signals.co.uk/glossary/Searchgloss.aspx * any computer software or program that is automatically loaded and present pop-up windows that may contain banner ads.
http://www.discovercomputers.info/Screensavers/glossary.html * dware is a type of advertising that pops up on your computer screen while another program is running. Many believe that adware is unsafe because it can include certain codes and capabilities that allow personal information to be tracked and documented without any knowledge of this occurrence.
http://www.broadbandinfo.com/internet-access/glossary/default.html * Any software that serves banner ads or pop-up ads to you while in use. Further Information
http://www.ukorbit.com/computer-glossary.htm * A generic term referring to a class of software that causes a victim's web browser to display annoying pop-up advertisements and advertising banners. Sometimes adware may be installed in conjunction with a companion spyware program. ...
http://www.h-spot.net/threat_glossary.htm * An application stored (usually surreptitiously)
* Programs known to cause advertisement pop-ups. Similar to spyware.
* A software application in which advertising banners are displayed while the program is running; sometimes, also tracks user information, which makes it also spyware. AdWare can cause problems with applications, web browsing, networking and cause Windows updates and service packs to fail.
http://www.thenetguy.org/malware_glossary.htm * Adware or advertising-supported software is any software package which automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertising material to a computer after the software is installed on it or while the application is being used.
* A form of spyware that collects information about a user in order to display advertisements in the Web browser based on the information it collects from the user's browsing patterns.