Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/3 14:47

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

And the WAR goes on and on.....
a) Impress'CMS team is seeing XOOPS as its enemy and is having fun by "adding wood to the fire"

b) Impress'CMS leadership (Marc-André Lanciault (aka Marcan), David Ledbury (aka davidl2) are actually having fun with it and applaud their members for doing it

But what is most disturbing ... (..)

For me it is disturbing that topics, written within a private TEAMforum somewhere else (even icms registered users/members don't have acces to that part) have been copied and past here on xoops. Forgot sake why??
This means that someone has (had) acces to it and missused it. To me this way of acting says more about the person who started this flame war again, then the writers who wrote it within their private teamforum somewhere else.
By copying and pasting it here, the war goes on and on.
Stop it please.
If you don't like the other cms (whatever cms it is) stay away. Don't behave so childies.

All in all.......
PPL grow up. Cut it out.
And with that I mean specific people of the:
Xoops, XoopsCube, ????
Look forward instead of backwards: xoops, ????, xoopscube.

[edit] tjee, i m p r e s s / c m s is been censored, I see after submitting.
Sorry to say but this is even more childies behaviour. If other cms names aren't allowed, than you also should bann the name xoopscube. Since some ppl of that cms are also regulary flaming here.[/edit]

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/3 15:16

  • Runeher

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 825

  • Since: 2008/1/24

I must say to agree.. what's said in closed forums elsewhere shouldn't be exposed anywhere else!

Also i would like to see all "legal" words uncensored as it should be in a community, even if it promotes some other cms... that's the grown up way to do things!

love your enemies...it will scare the hell out of theme

dantoso [banned]
Re: Show us the $$$....!


Bender wrote:

be carefull. Your post will probably be edited a bit because you actualy named a different cms product in a possibly not XOOPS improving way. (it could cause people to look for it just by talking about it and possibly using it later on - therefore ... not improving)

I think it is important to make clear to everyone what's happening. Without giving names, the community easily think that the ICMS is just another pure opensource project, just another fork. And we know this is not true.

You will be a thief is supporting a project of thieves.


Marco has been stating that this project is not mature enough for a foundation and for handling any money for a long long time.

I understand. In this case, the money can be used for one or two basic items, like a good webhosting and domains fees (only). No problem with transparency.


Your suggestions for how to use it are of course pretty much valid. However ... the points before.


dantoso [banned]
Re: Show us the $$$....!


Runeher wrote:
I must say to agree.. what's said in closed forums elsewhere shouldn't be exposed anywhere else!

The foundation is an entity created for the community. It is a public thing. Therefore, the information on the foundation should be public too. The foundation can not be public while keeping private interests.


Also i would like to see all "legal" words uncensored as it should be in a community, even if it promotes some other cms... that's the grown up way to do things!

they are still here because this is where the users are. The target is move the xoops.org users with a smart spamming (discrete promotion). Please, keep the icms word censured.

It is a misunderstanding to think that the objective of this is to create flame wars, or that everything is just for personal issues or even a Ego question. The key is Justice. Will of justice, the seat of justice.

is necessary that these problems are resolved so that the project finally go ahead with liberty and peace.


"love your enemies"

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance. Ignorance is Bliss. And the Foundation/ICMS people are just playing with the ignorance of this community.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/3 20:45

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

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Can I play to?

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/3 22:13

  • Bender

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1899

  • Since: 2003/3/10

You did not get my posting right. Just for the record: I absolutely disagree on your thief statement.

Anyway since this "dantoso" is simply another hacked account (compare old postings from 2004 with the current ones to build your own opinion) its not neccessary to reply at all ...

[EDIT]Also i am outta this thread ... just keep throwing things at each other people ... you are doing well. I got better things to do.
Sorry, this signature is experiencing technical difficulties. We will return you to the sheduled signature as soon as possible ...

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/6 2:25

  • movers

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/1/12


'The gang' has not used or received any money from the XOOPS foundation!!!!

Resized Image

Posted: 2007/10/3 5:51:01 [size=xx-large]snow77 [/size] wrote:


Nice site and content structure it's good to know information like this is publicly available.
Thank you Foundation Members for the support given to xoopsinfo, xoopswiki , xoopsaddons, and xoopsdemo, work on the XOOPS servers and *other administrative* (not commented) taskS$$$ . The community counts with a valuable service and working team, specially now with the Foundations new site where we can all interact in a more open manner.

The Source:

Yes, thank you! And tell us more about the other administrative taskS. Like buy the domains, for example.

I remember the domain xoops.com was NOT acquired by Herko. The xoops.com was donated by one xoops.org member for the PROJECT. Very easy to confirm this.


the server of the XOOPS foundation was used by:


+ xoopswiki
+ xoopsdemo

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/6 2:34

  • skenow

  • Home away from home

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@Moderators - if I were in your position, I would scramble the passwords of all users that have not logged for over 6 months and send them an email to update their passwords. With over 40,000 accounts to choose from, there are plenty to impersonate.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/6 2:59

  • movers

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/1/12

I understand Skenow, because he's a webmaster of the new "xoopsaddons' (icmsaddons), a site based on xoops.org resources (server, sqls and other administrative tasks). Snow wrote: "Thank you Foundation Members for the support given to xoopsinfo, xoopswiki , xoopsaddons, and xoopsdemo, work on the XOOPS servers and *other administrative* (not commented) tasks $$$"

Resized Image


Herko Coomans wrote:

We will publish the 2007 year report real soon, which will feature a financial report drawn up by an accountant. This will be the current board's last report, we are working hard to find a solution to the current impasse -a solution that comes close to what marco suggests.

Really? you promise? sure, sure, sure....


But again, please remove Herculoid's posts, they are made by a known (and proven) hacker, who is wanted for questioning by the police in the NL for hacking xoops.org servers.


Sure. Is all that you want. Lets delete all about you and the foundation. Lets forget you, your gang and 'your' money.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/6 3:57

  • skenow

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 993

  • Since: 2004/11/17

With all the liberty you have taken, it looks more like you are quoting yourself


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