dantoso [banned]
Re: A proposal for solution of the foundation xoops.

ps1: a proposal is not a question nor a answer [Q & A]


ps3: this is my last post here.

dantoso [banned]
Re: Show us the $$$....!


Runeher wrote:
I must say to agree.. what's said in closed forums elsewhere shouldn't be exposed anywhere else!

The foundation is an entity created for the community. It is a public thing. Therefore, the information on the foundation should be public too. The foundation can not be public while keeping private interests.


Also i would like to see all "legal" words uncensored as it should be in a community, even if it promotes some other cms... that's the grown up way to do things!

they are still here because this is where the users are. The target is move the xoops.org users with a smart spamming (discrete promotion). Please, keep the icms word censured.

It is a misunderstanding to think that the objective of this is to create flame wars, or that everything is just for personal issues or even a Ego question. The key is Justice. Will of justice, the seat of justice.

is necessary that these problems are resolved so that the project finally go ahead with liberty and peace.


"love your enemies"

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance. Ignorance is Bliss. And the Foundation/ICMS people are just playing with the ignorance of this community.

dantoso [banned]
Re: Show us the $$$....!


Bender wrote:

be carefull. Your post will probably be edited a bit because you actualy named a different cms product in a possibly not XOOPS improving way. (it could cause people to look for it just by talking about it and possibly using it later on - therefore ... not improving)

I think it is important to make clear to everyone what's happening. Without giving names, the community easily think that the ICMS is just another pure opensource project, just another fork. And we know this is not true.

You will be a thief is supporting a project of thieves.


Marco has been stating that this project is not mature enough for a foundation and for handling any money for a long long time.

I understand. In this case, the money can be used for one or two basic items, like a good webhosting and domains fees (only). No problem with transparency.


Your suggestions for how to use it are of course pretty much valid. However ... the points before.


dantoso [banned]
Re: Show us the MONEY, XOOPS Foundation

Marco wrote:

any news about the 2007 report?
i really hope this silly tool that adds dispersion in our project (that is supposed to be an open source project) has been dissolved, and that funds have been donated to a charity organization.

Please, don't accept the idea to donate the money for the charity. Smells like a good idea, but is not:

xoops.org with the money = bad to ???? (in the point of view of the XOOPS foundation / ???? team).
money to charity = good to ???? team, bad to XOOPS project

The money can be used at least in a better dedicated server and domains fees, or in prizes for the contests to pick the best theme of the week, or the best module of the month, or anything else to boost the XOOPS project.

+ Meetup's - Conferences
+ Competitions
+ Develop much needed modules on behalf of the community.
+ Self sufficient - No relying on sponsors whom can pull the plug when they wish
+ Sponsoring other projects which could be beneficial
+ Further advertising including higher listings on such sites as Hotscripts.com

Of course there are other things also.

Although it can be a negative force, it can be a much more powerful positive force, providing it's used in a responsible way and not at the discretion of one person, I don't see any issue

dantoso [banned]
mybooks 2.0 where is it ?

Please, someone can upload mybook v2.0 to our module repository ?

Thanks !!



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