psaxtiri wrote:
Root folder has 3 files inside (class, themes,pmlite.php).
Can you tell me where to copy them in my site?
The "Root" folder shouldn't be uploaded with the rest of the module's files. Rather, its contents need to be uploaded separately to a number of locations:
1. There are four files in the Root/class/smarty/xoops_plugins directory. These need to be copied to your website's /class/smarty/xoops_plugins directory.
2. Inside the module's Root/themes directory there is a further sub-directory structure starting with /modules....
Copy the Root/themes/modules folder and its sub-directories and files to your current theme in your website's theme directory, i.e. /themes/your-theme/modules.....
3. Overwrite your existing pmlite.php which is in your website's root directory with the pmlite.php file from the module
Hope this helps
I installed mpmanager this morning and it all works fine except:
1. I get the red-light issue mentioned above although everything seems to work okay
2. Clicking on a PM message receieved before the installation on mpmanager opens that message and all other messages received before it. Messages sent using mpmanager open individually (i.e. correctly).
I will contact Lord Venom (thank you for the module, kind Sir - it's excellent
) and report these two bugs.