sinor wrote:
What's the meaning of "Scraps"?
I don't kown how to translate it.
scrap1 (skrăp) pronunciation
1. A small piece or bit; a fragment.
2. scraps Leftover bits of food.
3. Discarded waste material, especially metal suitable for reprocessing.
4. scraps Crisp pieces of rendered animal fat; cracklings.
tr.v., scrapped, scrap·ping, scraps.
1. To break down into parts for disposal or salvage.
2. To discard as worthless or sell to be reused as parts; junk.
[Middle English, from Old Norse skrap, trifles, pieces.]
scrap2 (skrăp) pronunciation
intr.v., scrapped, scrap·ping, scraps.
To fight, often with the fists.
A fight or a scuffle.
[Perhaps variant of SCRAPE.]
scrapper scrap'per n.