After 3 years, for sure there's a lot of stuff to improve.
It seems that some of you need urgently some eye-catch stuff
to keep your customers confident and seduce new ones...
I thought that could be professionals matter to ensure
of a solid base. Alike Garrath suggestions to fix core kernel classes; or sql requests, template admin, etc.
That send you back to '
proposal management' as this project is base on software from and to human being and there's a lack of vision due to some factories pollution.
While the core is fixed and O.O. improved you can easily rely on
Xoops Hack module for such eye-cath stuff. It also keeps safe core compatibility avoiding further hacks.
Well. I just wonder if you could move on and develop under
such pressures and such noisy polluted environment!?
Finally, i hope you feel confortable selling what looks like a Ferrari but has a
2CV motor inside.
I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!