The foundation does not require to be audited by an external auditor by Dutch law.
well, and ?
i know plenty of such organizations that ask external audits for transparency purposes toward their donators, especially non-governmental organization or associations.
Moreover, the main problem with this fondation is :
- it has non-donation revenues
- we learned that some were remunerated. We are in the right to know who else benefit from some fondation retributions
- we don't know either what are used its revenues for
- it has never been created after a democratic process,
- its goals are not so clear, and its activity neither.
That's not to flame, but it's time to clear things for the benefit of the overall project. For now, we suffer from amateurism. And i ask personaly for its dissolution. That's not the tool/toy that will help us to sort out the situation where the project is. The product should be strong enough by itself, not through legal toys.
marco, CPA, CISA
Do synergy or die.