Hi Herve
I really don't know who is in charge of xoops.org, or who (if anyone) is working on it at the moment.
[Edit: Does anyone know the answer? Could the community team maybe investigate and publish a list of who-is-managing-what? Perhaps, we will discover there is noone at all!].
1) phppp, who listed his name, serial number and rank, and duties, made a public announcement that HE was in charge of the Project - He has announced the formation of teams to do the proposed work he so aquatically laid out the foundation for in his Temporary Project Teams threads.
2) two teams have showed up for work so far, Team Coordination, and Team Design.
We are awaiting the arrival of the rest of the teams, would you care to kick start this by being the driving force on something constructive we can do, instead of waiting for someone else to take charge.
The community side of moving forward has no apparent leader, it is plain it needs at least one person who is willing to take the bull by the horns and get and provide answers.
I nonimate you!!!
Or anyone else, I don't think there are any closed doors...
Come on in!
Introduce yourself and tell us what you are willing to do.
Darcy - Community Coordinator.