Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/7 3:08

  • pacho

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It is curioss. I am testing two sites XOOPS 2.0.16exm in awardspaces free host and now it's working very good, but when I was uploading through ftp, "class/xoopsform" directory was forbidden to create it
So I must create it manually using control panel file manager. No answer in their support side.

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/7 5:09

  • MadFish

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There are some pretty scary 'hosting companies' out there (a monkey with a $40/month VPS can claim to be and actually provide convincing-looking hosting services).

Before signing on to anything, it is a good idea to email a potential host and ask a few detailed questions about their set up just to see how they react. If they don't respond, respond slowly, or can't give you a clear answer, then chances are the company is a lemon. Also do a bit of research on webhosting forums, of course

The main differences between a good host and a bad host are i) quality of security and ii) is how much support you get when things go wrong. Cheap hosts are often not cheap at all when you factor in how much time and frustration you have to spend to get something fixed.

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/7 10:39

  • Red_Bee

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Just wanted you to check my host http://icdsoft.com/ before that I've been to 3 hosting companies and lately found them. My site runs from 2003 at 99.9999% uptime 'til last years earthquake in Taiwan that damaged the submarine cable in Asia Pacific and inaccessible for a few days. An exception, a few minutes of downtime to move my site to a newer server last 2005.

Support is web based, fast and good, anytime of the day they will reply in less than 10 minutes, some around 5 minutes.

They have their own control panel that is easy to use too.

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/8 5:33

  • pacho

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You are right MadFish, I do not recomend use free host for a production site. Normally they do not support you and it is limited.
But in case someone want to test a site, there are some options, and some are very complete. I followed this review: http://www.free-webhosts.com/user_reviews.php
But first, check the forums.

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/8 9:11

  • Defkon1

  • Not too shy to talk

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EastItaly.it (our supporter) offers a Xoops-dedicated hosting...

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/15 20:21

  • surpass

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Some hosts have individual experiences with certain applications that they base their restrictions on.

Currently we are having a lot of problems with Coppermine Photo Gallery and the TopSites PHP directory. Coppermine does not perform well when galleries receive high traffic, and TopSites looks to be a target for bots right now.

Are we going to disable either, network wide? Likely not, but we may disable particular installations that cause problems.

Anyhow, the reason I came to the XOOPS forum today and happened along this thread was because we are actually having a XOOPS issue today.

There have been timeouts on one of our shared servers and nothing is "screaming" out to us, except for one site. Here are some captures from the past 3 days:

Resized Image

This site is running XOOPS - it's a family heritage site, has a few modules installed to keep track of family trees.

Why would it be causing such a stir? We keep seeing the particular module /pgv/ancestry.php in the logs and think that may be the culprit... any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/15 21:42

  • Anonymous

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surpass wrote:

This site is running XOOPS - it's a family heritage site, has a few modules installed to keep track of family trees.

Why would it be causing such a stir? We keep seeing the particular module /pgv/ancestry.php in the logs and think that may be the culprit... any ideas?

The trail leads to skenow

At least, he's the project manager for this project in the Dev Forge (Google is your friend )

I'm sure he'll be here in a moment or two.

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/15 22:57

  • AndyM

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While I prefer not to have any of the "n*ke" CMSs on the server (I have a real aversion to them), I currently allow anything, as long as it's legal, etc.

However, like everyone else, I do have in the T&Cs that I will disable scripts if needed, and I do tell customers ASAP and why. So far, in six years, I've only had to do this something like 3 times (that I can remember).

Says me, hoping this doesn't sound like a thinly veiled advertisement ;)

Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/16 2:50

  • skenow

  • Home away from home

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JAVesey wrote:
surpass wrote:

This site is running XOOPS - it's a family heritage site, has a few modules installed to keep track of family trees.

Why would it be causing such a stir? We keep seeing the particular module /pgv/ancestry.php in the logs and think that may be the culprit... any ideas?

The trail leads to skenow

At least, he's the project manager for this project in the Dev Forge (Google is your friend )

I'm sure he'll be here in a moment or two.

Sorry, everyone, been out celebrating my parents' 50th anniversary - family first (and one of the reasons I undertook porting phpgedview)

OK - here's what I know, so far. Earlier versions (prior to the 3.3.8 base) had vulnerabilities that were discovered and patched rather quickly, both at the main site (http://www.phpgedview.net) and in the XOOPS module. If you are running pgv, please be sure to have applied the latest available patches from the pgv module site

Secondly, and I have seen some very aggressive crawling, lately, family trees with a lot of people in them have a lot of 'pages' and when they are being indexed by crawlers, it can be rather intense on the server for a while.

I'll do some more checking and provide an update later.

  • 2007/7/26 18:37

  • CeroKool

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I hope this helps:

I use 1&1 to host my many XOOPS sites. Not only that, they encourage XOOPS on their website's Click and Build section:
Resized Image
Actually, they have several (about 4 for now) CMS, and XOOPS 2.2 is one.


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