now i hate hiding behind a username.
you know i'm a moderator. i will not hide behind a username. if i have something to say, i will say it.
just because i am a moderator does not mean i am not entitled to speak freely of my own personal regard, not everything i say is as a moderator.
if i am moderating, you'd know i'm moderating. because we'd leave a note if posts were edited. or if i issue a warning in a topic ie. "please keep this discussion friendly & on topic" then i am speaking as a moderator.
but as i am speaking at the moment, i am speaking as myself & not a moderator.
does the moderator team need a leader? no it doesn't. we have guidelines to follow, we have xoopsiquette. does any moderator act on their own behalf when dealing with members? no we don't.. we put it to a vote, and the majority vote gets the consensus. we only act on our own discretion when dealing with spam or other issues that aren't major ones..
but we also have a vote if a major decision is to be made. we always have.
if you question my decision as a moderator, feel free to message me privately to discuss it, if you feel the situation isn't resolved after taking up with the person concerned, by all means then contact another moderator etc.. failing that goto management team, but bear in mind, we literally nearly always discuss are reasons before we act on our reasons.. so yes the moderating team *DOES* actually work as a TEAM..