xcGallery, a port of the Coppermine gallery, is not dead. Latest release was in November 2006. I'm working on it some to make it less clunky as I'd agree with that. For one of my clients who was confused over the User/Admin mode, I just removed those links from the header, and that took care of that issue. I also kept the links in for the admins using the Smart Templates admin variable to make it easy to switch back and forth for site admins. However, once you've done this once in the beginning, you don't really care to do it anymore. And, it's just as easy to have two browsers running with different logins as most developers do. I tried a number of others including XoopsGallery (a "port" of Gallery, but not integrated with XOOPS very well yet - no user/permission integration), myAlbum, xsGallery, picito, and extgallery. Each has its strengths, but if you want both site-wide and user galleries, shared, contributive, or not, then xcGallery works very well, especially if you work extensively on the templates. Once I'm done with my update, I'll release it and announce here. My preference is to contribute to the project, but we'll see. I've contacted the developer.
Maybe there needs to be a total update starting with the new Coppermine code, although a new release is about to happen. Maybe XoopsGallery could learn from the xosCommerce integration, which was done VERY well.
Good luck!