Last week when I started the topic
Xoops Needs A Leader - Inquire Within, I wanted to suggest trying new ways to lead XOOPS as a project. Not necessarily remove or change the current leadership, but tweak the organizational process that has "seemed" to bog down progress. Allowing the engines (programmers like you) to work faster, more accurately and with more freedom and feedback. Hoping this would make everybody happier.
This, obviously, has not happened.
Language, anonymity and the inherent "form" of forums is causing more friction than is probably implied. Diplomacy is subverted through no fault of anyone and "seems" to lead to these long heated exchanges. The fact of little resolution or action happens after these exchanges is another matter. The action of "LOCKING" these heated messages is another, debatable, matter.
You, and other programmers, are XOOPS. Regardless of who is managing the forums, the finances, or the physical servers. XOOPS is not XOOPS.org or any other website (currently).
News is a critical module in Xoops. Thus you are a critical, and powerful, person in the XOOPS world. Any programmer that wishes can take on that power by contribution.
So please, unless you really hate XOOPS (and you don't do you?), take XOOPS where you want to take it. If you want to blend a more
XOOPS Cube way of programming into XOOPS - do it. Joomlafy / Drupalfy something - do it. I doubt you would do anything that wouldn't be better for XOOPS to at least try. And this applies to other programmers / contributors as well.
What if you try some idea really outrageous? So what? That's what the testing branches are for. And, that idea just might revolutionize XOOPS - or get you the goofiest idea award until someone comes along with a crazier scheme. What's the harm?
I'm a big fan of not re-inventing the wheel. There are thousands of development projects out there that XOOPS can look to for organization and development process ideas. Ideas that will (can) strengthen XOOPS and the relationships between users, programmers and administrative personnel.
Hervé, go if you must right now, but please think about what YOU want to do, cause there are a lot of people that WANT what YOU want (this applies to ALL programmers). There are a lot of ideas floating around, I even have a few myself, that can make XOOPS a better place to work.
But the engines need to be happily running to accomplish anything.