I've installed Pico 1.0 and I'm using:
xoops 2.0.16
Apache 2.2
mysql 5.0.27-community-nt
I can't figure out how/where to add any content. When I go to the Modules administration and select Pico, I get a page that has these tabs:
Contents list | Permissions of Categories | Import/Sync | Preferences |
But when I click on "Contensts list", "Permissions of Categories", or "Import/Sync", nothing seems to happen. I simply have a blank page with the tabs at the top. If I click on "Preferences" I do get the preferences page.
I'm at a total loss as to what to do or if I've done something wrong, or how to add any content and have no idea where to turn to figure this out.
Any guidance/thoughts would be greatly appreciated.