rossymole wrote:
I want to say I think that TinyEditor is great! Thank you and great work, I love it and it works great!
The issue I am having is I am using it in the Mail Users function of the admin section and it forces relative URLs through-out the site which is fine (good even) but in mail users it can't be there (the images in the email won't show up). The setting in the "Mod Conf Options", doesn't seem to work.
I looked on the tinyeditor site and can configure the tiny_mce_src.js (then rename it as; I don't have an editor that can edit the tiny_mce.js file directly) but it doesn't flow through in the module.
Like this:
relative_urls : false,
remove_script_host : false,
document_base_url : "http://www.site.com/path1/"
Any thoughts?
Thank You,
I had the same issue (want to use it for sending mail)
and for more then a week I did not get the right place to change it in the code ...
============== // Edit // ================
Found it:
open /tinyeditor/editor/tiny_mce.js (it's one big line - so I can't give a line no. .... but it's more or less in the begining of the file)
I hope FrankBlack would some day come back to XOOPS and will refresh this amazing module (for me it's one of the reasons for using XOOPS so much)
Hope someone will benefit this solution for the anoing URL bug