When you look into code of template "news_item.html" then you will find "$stories.title" smarty, what decides on displaying a news title in form CATEGORY : NEWS TITLE. As I said in "article.php" I found a code "story.news_title" and I used it.
1. if U have clonned templates system:
go into administration > templates > CLONED news templates (there're 15 of them) > news_item.html
ad edit it
<{$story.title}> | <{if $story.files_attached}><{$story.attached_link}> <{/if}><{if $story.poster != ''}><{$lang_postedby}> <{$story.poster}><{/if}> <{$lang_on}> <{$story.posttime}> (<{$story.hits}> <{$lang_reads}>) <{$news_by_the_same_author_link}> | <{$story.imglink}> <{$story.text}> | |
you can see the bolder string in the code - it's
"$stories.title" and U have to change it into
"story.news_title"2 if U have not clonned Yours templates
use ftp cl;ient and edit it directly on serwer. (do the same)