Thank You quest for the replay,
I don't need module that can made just albums, I allready have xoopsgallery on may website. What I need can be made with already made modules but someone will have to make some hack. Maybe my request was blury so I will try to expalin again( with exampels). I have site about flyfishing (fishing with artifitial flies). I want some module to make flies database. I can use gallery module type like myalbum, but I can upload just one picture. Imagine this. I create album (dryflies) and subalbum (caddis) in that sub album I want to put all flies that belong in that category (like elk caddis, Withman caddis etc) All of that flies must have many pictures (like picture form above, side photo etc.) and discription in block (side block). First issue is the problem, because all galleries can upload just one picture. One solution is to make sub sub album for each fly, but then onother problem occure. I would like to have rank and popular option, and, I think that now this is possibe only for picture, not for album itsef.
If someone have some solution for please infor me, because this is realy important.
Greatings from Aleksandar