Supposedly when the host upgraded it created a backup. I just can't say what version I was using. I know I upgraded before when I did the site right before the summer session so that would have been June of last year. It was the most recent upgrade.
The site is at
http://www.re-javanation.com Here is the information my host gave me:
Please save following information. You will need it in order to
restore if something went wrong
If you don't have SSH access, ask support to help you:
- delete all the files listed in
- delete /home/retjava/public_html/fantastico_fileslist.txt
- Untar /home/retjava/fantastico_backups/.backup.1160190568.tgz
- Empty the database retjava_xoop1
- Import the file /home/retjava/fantastico_backups//backup.sql into
the database retjava_xoop1
- Move /home/retjava/fantastico_backups/ to /home/retjava/public_html
But I don't know how to untar without being in the actual XOOPS module and I don't know how to import/export unless I can do it via a FTP. If you could help me with this I will love you forever and so will my students. It's like a week before midterms.