mmmm...could it be because of all the troubles that appear dealing with clients after my 20th email in the day I start making "unconscious" writing mistakes like: "Hell MrClient", instead of "Hello MrClient"
nah, just kidding, am polite by nature, despite an occasional misspelling here and there
thanks for all the technical administrative tips given. it is always best for the communication with clients to be as millimetrically exact and detailed as possible, that is if you are going to give the deserved importance to every pixel of what you do
In spanish there is saying that goes like this (sorry wasn't able to translate it to english): "El cliente siempre la tiene razon" ...that will be the eternal burden of all of us doing business ...I found these cool tips in spanish though, maybe bablefish could translate the page, at this link:
http://blog.almadark.com/2005/06/22/el-cliente-no-siempre-tiene-la-razon-1/I guess all these things happens to us, just take a look at;
http://www.clientcopia.com/ , we're not the only ones that can suffer from "client tremens"
...enough fun for me for today ... better get back to my clients...