I have been working with Drupal as well as XOOPS as I think it's a good idea to notice what other CMSs are doing. One of the most important developments with Drupal is the Taxonomy system (categories and classifications) without going into long descriptions (and it is complex) the main point is that XOOPS needs to be able to classify content in a different way.
1- With XOOPS modules the issue is that most of our categorisation is linear, that is we only have one parent as a category and subgroups or categories as children of that parent. phppp has begun to break away from this concept with the content module, but I feel this needs expanding into a more taxonomous categorisation, where content can be placed in more than one category allowing for cross reference.
2- Another issue- Currently we are too ridgid in the concept that one type of content (ie photos) can only be used within a certain module and other content cannot be easily added. Sure we can hack a module and add stuff, but again the classification of content is still linear.
Proposal: A module that allows a real taxonomy rather than linear classification of content, also facility to add different content medium.
With this concept XOOPS would become open to a whole new area of website structure, appealing to many more users. In addition we would begin to appeal to professional business market who require a more flexible and comprehensive form of data display and retrieval.
I gues one of the challenges is the way core data is stored and organised and this is where Drupal's 'node system' scores. Maybe XOOPS data storage does not lend itself to this kind of organisation. I am not a software developer, but seeing you ask the question about new modules, here at least is a concept to work with