Re: XOOPS Codes Explained
  • 2007/6/22 22:01

  • adrock

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marcionline wrote:
Is there a way to disable XOOPS Codes just for a moment?

For example, in vBulletin you can use [noparse][ b]text [/ b][/noparse]. So the text inside those tags is not processed and will be showed exactly as typed (in example above, [ b]text[/ b] would be showed).

In XOOPS, if you type [ code][ b]text[/ b][/ code], for example, the text [ b]text[/ b] is processed anyway, even if it is inside of [ code] tag.

when submitting the p[ost...simply uncheck the checkbox that says 'Use XOOPS Code' before submitting.

Yahoo <--- see!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: XOOPS Codes Explained
  • 2007/6/22 21:58

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

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  • Since: 2004/12/7


Perhaps an immediate fix for the DHTML editor issue...is to change the input form so that it gives the visual appearance of it's intended function.

Can't tell you how many bazillions of users have said "Oh...you mean if I type what I want in that little area and format it with the buttons, it inserts it into the text area below?!"

Luckily, there are a half dozen or more posts and articles available through this site and elsewhere explaining in step by step manner, how to add FCK Editor, TinyMCE, and all the others.

I've also found that depending on the technical expertise of your users...a wysiwyg editor can actually cause MORE problems in the end. None of them appear to clean their code of redundant or non-used tags...non of them can force compliance with XOOPS or XHTML or CSS fully...and I have yet to find one that works correctly cross browser, without needing to alter odd amounts of code in countless other areas of an already flawless layout and/or CMS system.

Even with this one little piece of WYSIWYG Editor 'ickyness'....I still think XOOPS offers the most options for content customization and display personalization of all of the CMS's.

Making a custom theme can take less than 30 minutes for anyone familiar with HTML or CSS on a production level, and even if you just use say Dreamweaver as a hobby...it won't take more than a day or two tops to clone the default theme, and tweak it to suit your needs.

Ahhh-well.... thanks for reading my 2cents worth!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: Links at the bottom of my page as XOOPS
  • 2007/6/22 21:35

  • adrock

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What you are asking about is called an "Anchor" tag, with a 'name' attribute....

Works the same as a tradtional link, except that it directs to a specified position on the page it is linking to.

Create your pages and site BEFORE you start banging your head on the HTML wall about your theme. It is fairly apparent that you are not familiar with html/xhtml/css coding. This is not a negative comment, but rather an aknowledgement.

Start by choosing an article module, or another method to create the static html pages you will eventually want to link to. My personal preference is the 'MyPage' method.....but I am also experienced at html coding.

Once you have created the pages that you want, THEN you can address creating links in your footer that will go to the places you need them to go to.

IMHO it is very difficult to concepualize how the footer links work, if you don't have anything yet for them to work with

Any 'decent' theme available freely for xoops, 9.9 times out of 10 has the <$xoops_footer> smarty tag in it. If it doesn't, pick a different theme until you are more familiar with the inner workings of XOOPS and it's themeing and templating system.

Another way of saying that is: XOOPS admin area has a meta tag and footer section added to it specifically for this purpose. Use it. Don't further complicate matters by reinventing the wheel!

Anchor tag information here: CLICK ME

AMS (Article Management System): CLICK HERE

Smart Section: CLICK HERE

Happy Xoopsing!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: Xoops Hosting Forum Launched
  • 2007/6/20 16:22

  • adrock

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Hello again fellow Xoopsers!

Just another update on the http://www.littlemanhosting.com packages and offerings.

Personal Plans starting at just $4.95/mo

- Choose between PHP4 or PHP 5, and make the change from your own Control Panel.

- Edit your own PHP.INI files

- SiteBuilder and Elephante Installer

- 30 day money back guarantee

- No Setup Fees

- and lots more!

Visit Littleman Hosting today and check it out for yourself!

Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: simple question
  • 2006/6/27 23:36

  • adrock

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Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/5/1 22:28

  • adrock

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A great feature/module option for everyone, would be the ability to prevent anonymous users from seeing attachemtns & images in the forums and modules (smilies, attached files, attached images, etc), while still being able to read the text in those pages/modules.

It would help promote membership to the sites that use it, and would help organic SEO growth by allowing the robots etc to see everything 'text' in the module. Right now, if anonymous users are denied access to the information, so is the robot, etc.

Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: Sub Portals
  • 2006/5/1 22:21

  • adrock

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it can be done....however it takes a little work.

Places to look for info:

search here for 'Multisite Hack'

Check out Xoops-Tips site for some info on how to have different themes for different pages/modules on your site.

They both work, as I have tried and accomplished both....yet, it turned my groovy CMS into as much or more work than a regular html driven site keeping up with all of the edits hacks and mods required to get what I wanted.

However, thats me.

Happy Xoopsing!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: add new block
  • 2006/4/19 5:26

  • adrock

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well...yes and no.

It IS possible, but in a slightly different manner, and the part that 2.2+ does all by itself in the admin area, you will have to do 'by hand'.

Simplisticly, you will need to 'clone' the comic module.

Then you will have two cartoon blocks, one for each installation of the module.

Read through this to get started!


Happy Xoopsing!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: Need some help with CBB 3.01
  • 2006/4/19 3:16

  • adrock

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bumpety bump!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: Need some help with CBB 3.01
  • 2006/4/18 7:01

  • adrock

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  • Posts: 291

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thats what makes it fun!

(I've tried the code with and without the exclamation point)

usually, when I try something like this and do it wrong, I get a blank page, or boat loads of errors....which is what makes this odd, is that everything is working just fine.

I've checked and done all of the usual 'Doh!' things....clearing the cache, actually editing the html files in the module and updating it from the admin side...edited the default and custom template sets from within xoops.....cleared the templates cache folders.

taking a break right now, but will start looking through all of the files again to see if I'm missing anywhere else that the $topic_post.post_attachment is called out.

it's a nice feature that can help increase membership on shareware and gaming/clan sites etc. and I've posted a request for it to be added to the features, but as usual, am impatient and want to do it now!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

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