AMS isn't working.
  • 2005/11/15 18:01

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

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  • Since: 2005/2/11

First of all, I created new topics and when I tried to write a new article, only topic I can select is the first one I made some time ago.

2. What's the point of the Read More... link in articles?

3. I cannot view articles by topics. It just shows a blank screen.

4. How do I setup so when my visitors visit the AMS module page they see a list of topics? All I see are articles I published in homepage and there's no option in the settings to turn this function on. Example: [url]http://www.warpigw2.com/modules/AMS/[/url]

5. Nothing as of yet but I'll probably find another bug.

Re: AMS isnt working.
  • 2005/11/15 18:22

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

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might be a dumb question, but have you set the permissions properly for both subit and view etc..

Re: AMS isn't working.
  • 2005/11/15 19:07

  • gestroud

  • Home away from home

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Poslanik wrote:
2. What's the point of the Read More... link in articles?

If you've entered the articles correctly, a visitor should only see the first paragraph of the article. The "Read More" link is to read the remainder of the article. AMS has a couple of bugs. If you're using the DHTML text editor, it doesn't work. You have to use the Koivi editor or another WYSIWYG editor. I eventually had to upload a WYSIWYG editor from the Jobs module into my "class" folder to get it to work right.

3. I cannot view articles by topics. It just shows a blank screen.

As monty suggested, check your permissions.

4. How do I setup so when my visitors visit the AMS module page they see a list of topics? All I see are articles I published in homepage and there's no option in the settings to turn this function on. Example: [url]http://www.warpigw2.com/modules/AMS/[/url]

Go into your site's admin section and add the block for topics via the Blocks menu.

Hope that helps.

Re: AMS isn't working.
  • 2005/11/15 19:09

  • pmcnamara

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i had problem with my user groups not being correctly defined in the default audience setting. I created a new user setting (called ALL intead of default) but everyone in there and that seemed to fix the problem.


Re: AMS isn't working.
  • 2005/11/15 22:50

  • stephenv

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Well, what is "correctly", and how do you achieve this in a way to get AMS to show only the first paragraph?

I am having the same problem as Poslanik: i.e. AMS shows the articles on my site in full on the index page, not just the first paragraph. And I DO have Koivi as my default editor.



gestroud wrote:

Poslanik wrote:
2. What's the point of the Read More... link in articles?

If you've entered the articles correctly, a visitor should only see the first paragraph of the article. The "Read More" link is to read the remainder of the article. AMS has a couple of bugs. If you're using the DHTML text editor, it doesn't work. You have to use the Koivi editor or another WYSIWYG editor. I eventually had to upload a WYSIWYG editor from the Jobs module into my "class" folder to get it to work right.


Re: AMS isn't working.

In AMS when you get to the point of the article that you want to use as a teaser use the [extend] tag, after this tag is used if you want to make another page use the [pagebreak] tag.


Re: AMS isn't working.
  • 2005/11/15 23:26

  • stephenv

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Hi jdseymour

Well, I did wonder why AMS automatically put in an "[extend]" at the bottom whenever you edit an article, but it does NOT seem to work as you suggest. It (both the "extend" and "pagebreak" tags) simply gets displayed as though it was text intended to be part of the article.

Do you have any idea why that would be?

See: http://bluezeus.biz/modules/AMS/article.php?storyid=13



jdseymour wrote:
In AMS when you get to the point of the article that you want to use as a teaser use the [extend] tag, after this tag is used if you want to make another page use the [pagebreak] tag.


Re: AMS isn't working.

Possibly has to do with the wysiwyg editor. I use XOOPS default editor on my site and it works as intended. I have been using it for quite some time so I know it works.

Re: AMS isnt working.
  • 2005/11/15 23:37

  • brash

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You don't need to close the extend tag, and you only need one. All the extend tag does is define what AMS should use as the article introduction. I.E, what ever is before the [extend] tag is used as the article introduction, and whatever is after it is the main body of the article.

If you are using Koivi, then you should not be using the extend tag at all as you should have two seperate text windows when submitting articles. The first one is for the article introduction, and the bottom one is for the main body of the article. You will still need to use the [pagebreak] tag using Koivi if you wish to paginate your article.

How do I submit and article?
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Re: AMS isn't working.
  • 2005/11/15 23:40

  • stephenv

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2005/3/8 1

Aha! Yes, that does work now!

But the interface for the "XOOPS default" editor looks exactly the same as that of the "Koivi" one!?!

Anyway, thank you for your help!


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