Re: Cant log in
  • 2006/7/23 14:47

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

I can explore the site with no problems while logged off (either by pasting a link or by clicking on it in the menu). The problem occurs when I try to log in.

Permissions of cache and templates_c are alright (set to 777).

Ah, here we are! Thanks Bender, emptying the permissions table fixed the problem! Thanks a hundred times!

Re: Cant log in
  • 2006/7/22 19:46

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

Xoops 2.2.x is the version. I don't know which one because that's all that was said on the download page when I was installing it months ago. As to the general server information, here it is:

Operating system Linux
Service Status Click to View
Kernel version 2.4.21-40.ELsmp
Machine Type i686
Apache version 1.3.36 (Unix)
PERL version 5.8.0
Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl
PHP version 4.4.2
MySQL version 4.1.19-standard
cPanel Build 10.8.2-STABLE 120
Theme cPanel X v2.5.0

Re: Cant log in
  • 2006/7/21 20:05

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

Ok, sorry about that. I have version 2.x and I haven't found a solution in the FAQ.

See for yourself please. Visit the site and input a random username and password. When you click enter, you will login as Admin (strange, since you've inputed bogus username and password). But that won't do you much help since you can't get rid of the welcoming page.

I tried the FAQ but had no luck because I don't know where to start since there are 2 situations, 1 with firefox and the second with IE. I just don't know what to search for. I'd appreciate your help.

Can't log in
  • 2006/7/20 20:50

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11


I'm getting a strange error. My site is at http://rv-camp.net and whenever I try to login the site won't let me view anything, just keeps sending me to that welcoming page saying "Welcome username!If the page does not automatically reload, please click here!". Just keeps loading and loading...

That happens in Firefox, in IE when I try to login I get a warning message saying "A runtime error has occured! Line: 26. Error: Object expected. Do you wish to debug?"

My comp crashed 2 weeks ago and till now it wasn't operational. Before that, everything was working fine. I really need help.

I also have another site on another server and that site also has a problem with a PHP script (unique visitor counter, not XOOPS). Thing is these errors happen to others as well, so my comp couldn't be blamed. But as I say, before the crash everything was working fine. Help!

Re: Profiles module has some translation problems
  • 2006/4/6 18:03

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

Helloooo, anyone?

Profiles module has some translation problems
  • 2006/4/5 7:15

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11


We are running XOOPS 2.3 and we're in the process of localizing it. I was translating the profiles module when I noticed something's wrong. When I went to view someone's profile (userinfo.php) only 1-2 fields were actually translated from english while the rest stayed in english although I DID translate them and created a new language folder in /profile/language.

Then I went to see what's wrong with userinfo.php and noticed all those fields that weren't translated are never called for from the language folder. Some of these values are:





and many more...

Is there maybe a fix for this? I searched the site but found nothing. I'm afraid I'm not that good in PHP to attempt to fix it myself. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Re: Virus is blocking a page! Help needed
  • 2006/2/5 10:03

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

Why aren't you using XOOPS 2.0.x at least?

Re: Redirect to search page after news and cbb232 submition
  • 2006/2/1 16:31

  • Poslanik

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  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

Seems the problem isn't so easy to solve :( We would really appreciate some help. We know it's the theme that's bugging us but we simply don't know why and how.

All submission forms that go through the frontend of the site are buggered. The theme somehow points the form to search.php instead of pointing it where it should go (article, forum, etc.) so all data we input is meaningless since search.php has different fields. The error we get is "Please fill in all necessary data" or something in those lines".

I've checked everything there is to check with my php knowledge. I've checked to make sure that XOOPS files point forms to right php files, seems the theme somehow "overrides" that. We were able to submit news through the backend which only proves that theme is messing everything up. I've also checked the theme html file and a lot more. I can't find anything... When I select another theme, everything is working fine.

Question: Where in theme files could I find the solution to these problems? I really can't ask the right question since I have no idea what's wrong.

Re: NOT listed at opensourceCMS.com! Why?
  • 2006/1/31 15:37

  • Poslanik

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  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

So, sorry but I'm a bit confused. 2.2.3 will be continued but 2.2.4 won't? If 2.2.4 won't will there be an "outdate" option where webmasters can roll back their XOOPS versions since they won't benefit from discontinued version.

Re: [SpreadXoops] Sony Ericsson - Xoops Theme
  • 2006/1/26 18:19

  • Poslanik

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/2/11

Bravo Slovenci

I'll try out the theme tomorrow. One thing though, a bit offtopic.

Isn't your slovenian emblem sopposed to be on the other side of the flag? I'm talking about your support badge.

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