The new docs library will be run very differently from the old type. One thing we realised is that we cannot rely on a small group of people to provide and maintain all the required documentation. We tried hard to provide the basics, but beyond that we cannot possibly disseminate and document every module, hack, or piece of software requiring user guides.
It appeared to me that the XOOPS tagline "powered by you" and "developed by you" should be continued with the concept "written by you" for documentation.
This follows the true spirit of the XOOPS community ethos. The new docs system will support this fully, by allowing users to submit, ammend and contribute changes to documentation. All this will of course be subject to approval and moderation, so there will be no chance of an uncontrolled free-for-all
All this opens up the work effort to the community, who I believe is very capable and talented enough to supercede all the previous efforts of a small group of documenters. It will also leave an open door invitation for module creators to submit their own documentation, either themselves, or by an appointed writer or co-worker.
Lance, this I think will speak to your comments about a wiki. However the structure will use a non-wiki module utilising templates, which maintain a more uniform and professional presentaion than a wiki can presently offer.