Adding New Users
  • 2005/10/9 15:13

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Ok, I know this is going to be a dumb question but I have spent two days trying to figure it out and I am at a loss. I previously had 2.0 installed and in the admin section unders "users" there was a choice to add new users. I have my site turned off to all other than registered users and webmasters since I am using it as more of an intranet/extranet for my sales guys in the field and dont want anyone else to use/access it. I upgraded to the new 2.2 and yesterday added the 2.2.3 RC1 patch/upgrade.
My problem is, I cannot find ANYWHERE in the admin section where I can add new users. Under the users tab now in this new version there is only "Find User, Mail User, User Ranks and Group" but nowhere to add new user. I am sure that I am just overlooking it again and again.

Before I pull out what is left of my hair, can someone tell me where in the admin section I can add new users?

Sorry in advance for such a n00b question but I am at a loss.


Re: Adding New Users
  • 2005/10/9 23:04

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Forget it, found it.........woooooooo whoooooooooooo!


Re: Adding New Users

ok..where is it?? I can't find it either..as a matter of fact....nobody can register for some reason. All my permissions are set properly but nobody can register. It says module does not exist which makes no sense..I've now added it twice...any ideas.....45 mins trying to fix this..it did work..now it doesnt...


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