How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/5 6:26

  • barbary

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2005/1/15

I am using and made a custom block, which I have on TOP PAGE... but I want to make it only show up if I link to it... what is the link to call up a custom block?



Re: How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/5 8:48

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

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your question is not exactly clear to me.

Once the block has been created, go to the groups section of the admin area and define which groups you want to see the block.

In the blocks section of the admin area you can also define which specific pages the module will show up on, and which pages it wont.

Other than that, there isn't much else to do with a block, except change where it is 'physically' located on the pages you have decided to show it on.

There are some themes however that have 'collapsing' blocks in them...which is to say that there would be a little plus or minus icon of some sort in the head of the block that will collapse or expand the block when you click on it...but that is something that needs to be coded by you in the theme and is not controlled by XOOPS admin functions.
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/5 21:36

  • barbary

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2005/1/15

Sorry... let me try to be more clear.

What is the URL to a custom block that is not displayed on the top page, or anywhere unless called.

For example, I notice a number associated to a custom block, and other blocks do something like this:


Where the 22 will pull up the block with that ID...


Re: How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/5 23:02

  • gestroud

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I think if the problems with dummy blocks is that they don't have a real "link." I'm probably wrong, but I think that custom block content is stored in the database and a block called "system_dummy.html" contains a code, "<{$dummy_content}>" that calls the content for each individual custom block.

Re: How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/6 14:42

  • adrock

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I'm still not clear as to what is trying to be accomplished.
Blocks are essentially designated areas for content to be filled with pre-designated information (that is stored in the database)
If you want it to pop-up in a new window...then it won't be a block...it will be a seperate file that needs to be created.
If you want a page that doesn't have the block to show the block when you click on something, then you will need to duplicate the module and set different display proterties with regard to the blocks that are shown on that page for the duplicate.

ie: News page with block a, b, and c being displayed, and a link on the page that says "click here for block 'd'"

that link would be to a duplicate news page with block a, b, c and d set to appear on it.

Am I getting close?
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/7 5:07

  • barbary

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2005/1/15

Ok, now for a real life example of what I am trying to achieve... my apologies for all the confusion.

1. Go to http://www.adamsrelief.org
2. Contemplate helping this f*ed family.
3. Notice how I have a link [FULL STORY] where the main story should continue to another page with an HTML table including images.
4. Notice how it goes nowhere, because I don't know how to create a new custom block and link to it. I basically want it to do what happens when you click on the "Will You Help" button at the top, except that uses TinyD... which has all these things I don't want.. such as white background, print page icon, email page icon, and all this bullshit. I want a basic centered HTML block.

Does that make more sense?

Thanks! These people REALLY need our help...

Re: How to display a custom block?
  • 2005/9/7 15:36

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 291

  • Since: 2004/12/7

They probably won't get much help keeping their site password protected though

Went to go look at it and it asked me for user id and pass word like I was ftp'ing to it.

3. Notice how I have a link [FULL STORY] where the main story should continue to another page with an HTML table including images.

This can be done, although it is sort of a three or four part problem. PM me, I'll help you set it up.
It's going to require creating the 'other' html page and integrating it into xoops...doing some 'sly' stuff in the admin area to keep the 'wrapped' page out of the menu's, and probably a few other things.

Getting their website to work...is that considered 'help'?

Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!


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