veggieryan wrote:
That point about the superior placement abilities for module output in the theme is now also making me jealous of mambo...
I think I am going to try and build a site in mambo and hack the gallery module to allow the uploading of other file types... That way people can save their ableton live 5 songs with self contained audio files into a folder... Then they can drag them onto the site and poof! A progress meter shows up.. resuming is supported and no problem.. their complete song file and audio clips are perfectly placed in a folder on the site... Downloadable as a zip or sit of course!
im also looking for a good opensource CRM/ERP to integrate into either XOOPS or mambo...
Am i dreaming?
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish by continually insinuating taht you are going to move to Mambo. If you think it's going to get the features you want integrated into XOOPS faster, it probably won't.
If Mambo suites your needs better, by all means, knock your socks off! Nobody at XOOPS is making profit from the membership, so nobody's feelings will be hurt.
However, I think you'll find that, if you stick around, you're going to be hard pressed to find a community like this one. In the last two years, I haven't found anything like the XOOPS community. It's a wonderful little world in itself.
As far as CRM/ERP goes. Unless you're one helluvah code hacker, I don't think you'll be able to integrate the solution I'm going to suggest, but it's the best damn open source CRM/ERP solution available (and it's php powered too!)....
Sugar CRMBest Regards,
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.