Upgrade 2.0.13 to 2.2 big problem

Hi !

I tried to upgrade to XOOPS 2.2 but cant manage getting the site running. I hope one can help !

My config:

XOOPS 2.0.13 (local install)
Several Modules, CBB, some custom hacks

Here is what I tried so far:

1) Made Backup
2) Turned PHPdebug-mode on
3) Disabled website
4) Copied all files except mainfile.php to the server (Overwrite->YES)
5) Run http://localhost/cms/xoopsupdate.php getting some PHP-messages:

Notice [PHP]: Undefined indexenable_badips in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclassxoopssecurity.php line 212
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 152
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 172
[PHP]: Undefined indexuse_ssl in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 183
[PHP]: Undefined indexuse_mysession in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 185
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmskernelmodule.php line 317
[PHP]: Undefined indexbanners in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 235
[PHP]: Undefined indexdebug_mode in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 235
[PHP]: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 235
[PHP]: Undefined indextheme_fromfile in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstemplate.php line 66
[PHP]: Undefined indexgzip_compression in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstheme.php line 143
[PHP]: Undefined indexsitename in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstheme.php line 401
[PHP]: Undefined indexslogan in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstheme.php line 402
[PHP]: Undefined indexslogan in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstheme.php line 420
[PHP]: Undefined indexclosesite in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludecommon.php line 238
[PHP]: Undefined indextheme_set in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstheme.php line 249
[PHP]: Undefined indextheme_set in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludefunctions.php line 450
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsclasstheme.php line 259
[PHP]: Undefined indextheme_set in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsincludefunctions.php line 450
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmskernelmodule.php line 239
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 215
[PHP]: main(C:/apachefriends/xampp/htdocs/cms/language//notification.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 215
Warning [PHP]: main() [function.include]: Failed opening 'C:/apachefriends/xampp/htdocs/cms/language//notification.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:apachefriendsxamppphppear'in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 215
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD assumed '_NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 223
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD_DESC assumed '_NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD_DESC' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 225
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_METHOD_DISABLE assumed '_NOT_METHOD_DISABLE' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 228
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_METHOD_PM assumed '_NOT_METHOD_PM' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 228
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_METHOD_EMAIL assumed '_NOT_METHOD_EMAIL' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 228
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_NOTIFYMODE assumed '_NOT_NOTIFYMODE' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 236
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_MODE_SENDALWAYS assumed '_NOT_MODE_SENDALWAYS' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 241
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_MODE_SENDONCE assumed '_NOT_MODE_SENDONCE' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 241
[PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_MODE_SENDONCEPERLOGIN assumed '_NOT_MODE_SENDONCEPERLOGIN' in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 241
[PHP]: Undefined indexadminmail in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 400
[PHP]: Undefined indexlanguage in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsmodulessystemxoops_version.php line 408
[PHP]: Undefined indexdebug_mode in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsfooter.php line 50
[PHP]: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in file C:apachefriendsxampphtdocscmsfooter.php line 50

Ignored as stated in docs / xoopsforum

6) Hit submit button and getting something linke that:

The site is currently closed for maintainance. Please come back later.

7) Login fails !
8) OK. I fixed the DB-Entry (opened Website again).
9) Rerun http://localhost/cms/xoopsupdate.php this time no PHP-Errors
10) Hit submit-button getting that stuff:

xoops_module_pre_update_system executed successfully.
Module data inserted successfullyModule ID1
Updating templates
Template system_imagemanager.html inserted to the database.
Template system_imagemanager.html recompiled.
Template system_imagemanager2.html inserted to the database.
Template system_imagemanager2.html recompiled.
Template system_userinfo.html inserted to the database.
Template system_userinfo.html recompiled.
Template system_userform.html inserted to the database.
Template system_userform.html recompiled.
Template system_rss.html inserted to the database.
Template system_rss.html recompiled.
Template system_redirect.html inserted to the database.
Template system_redirect.html recompiled.
Template system_comment.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comment.html recompiled.
Template system_comments_flat.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_flat.html recompiled.
Template system_comments_thread.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_thread.html recompiled.
Template system_comments_nest.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_nest.html recompiled.
Template system_siteclosed.html inserted to the database.
Template system_siteclosed.html recompiled.
Template system_dummy.html inserted to the database.
Template system_dummy.html recompiled.
Template system_notification_list.html inserted to the database.
Template system_notification_list.html recompiled.
Template system_notification_select.html inserted to the database.
Template system_notification_select.html recompiled.
Template system_error.html inserted to the database.
Template system_error.html recompiled.
Template system_plain.html inserted to the database.
Template system_plain.html recompiled.
Template system_admin_block.html inserted to the database.
Template system_admin_block.html recompiled.
Template system_block_dummy.html no longer used and removed
Building blocks
Updating existing block
  Block User Menu inserted
Block ID1
  Template system_block_user
.html inserted.
Template system_block_user.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Login inserted
Block ID2
  Template system_block_login
.html inserted.
Template system_block_login.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Search inserted
Block ID3
  Template system_block_search
.html inserted.
Template system_block_search.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Waiting Contents inserted
Block ID4
  Template system_block_waiting
.html inserted.
Template system_block_waiting.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Main Menu inserted
Block ID5
  Template system_block_mainmenu
.html inserted.
Template system_block_mainmenu.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Who
's Online inserted. Block ID: 7
  Template system_block_online.html inserted.
  Template system_block_online.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Top Posters inserted. Block ID: 8
  Template system_block_topusers.html inserted.
  Template system_block_topusers.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block New Members inserted. Block ID: 9
  Template system_block_newusers.html inserted.
  Template system_block_newusers.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Recent Comments inserted. Block ID: 10
  Template system_block_comments.html inserted.
  Template system_block_comments.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Notification Options inserted. Block ID: 11
  Template system_block_notification.html inserted.
  Template system_block_notification.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Themes inserted. Block ID: 12
  Template system_block_themes.html inserted.
  Template system_block_themes.html compiled.
Updating existing block
  Block Custom Block inserted. Block ID: 20
  Template system_block_dummy.html inserted.
  Template system_block_dummy.html compiled.
  Block Site Info deleted. Block ID: 6
Adding module config category data...
  Config category general added to the database.
  Config category meta added to the database.
  Config category censor added to the database.
  Config category search added to the database.
  Config category mail added to the database.
  Config category auth added to the database.
Adding module config data...
  Config sitename added to the database.
  Config slogan added to the database.
  Config adminmail added to the database.
  Config language added to the database.
  Config startpage added to the database.
  Config server_TZ added to the database.
  Config default_TZ added to the database.
  Config theme_set added to the database.
  Config theme_set_admin added to the database.
  Config theme_fromfile added to the database.
  Config theme_set_allowed added to the database.
  Config template_set added to the database.
  Config anonymous added to the database.
  Config gzip_compression added to the database.
  Config usercookie added to the database.
  Config use_mysession added to the database.
  Config session_expire added to the database.
  Config session_name added to the database.
  Config debug_mode added to the database.
  Config banners added to the database.
  Config closesite added to the database.
  Config closesite_okgrp added to the database.
  Config closesite_text added to the database.
  Config my_ip added to the database.
  Config use_ssl added to the database.
  Config sslpost_name added to the database.
  Config sslloginlink added to the database.
  Config com_mode added to the database.
  Config com_order added to the database.
  Config enable_badips added to the database.
  Config bad_ips added to the database.
  Config module_cache added to the database.
  Config meta_keywords added to the database.
  Config footer added to the database.
  Config censor_enable added to the database.
  Config censor_words added to the database.
  Config censor_replace added to the database.
  Config meta_rating added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: 0 Value: _MD_AM_METAOMAT
    Config option added. Name: 1 Value: mature
    Config option removed. Name: _MD_AM_METAOMAT Value: mature
  Config meta_author added to the database.
  Config meta_copyright added to the database.
  Config meta_description added to the database.
  Config meta_robots added to the database.
  Config enable_search added to the database.
  Config keyword_min added to the database.
  Config mailmethod added to the database.
  Config sendmailpath added to the database.
  Config smtphost added to the database.
  Config smtpuser added to the database.
  Config smtppass added to the database.
  Config from added to the database.
  Config fromname added to the database.
  Config fromuid added to the database.
  Config auth_method added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: XOOPS Value: xoops
    Config option added. Name: LDAP Value: ldap
  Config ldap_mail_attr added to the database.
  Config ldap_name_attr added to the database.
  Config ldap_surname_attr added to the database.
  Config ldap_givenname_attr added to the database.
  Config ldap_port added to the database.
  Config ldap_server added to the database.
  Config ldap_base_dn added to the database.
  Config ldap_uid_attr added to the database.
  Config ldap_uid_asdn added to the database.
  Config ldap_manager_dn added to the database.
  Config ldap_manager_pass added to the database.
  Config ldap_version added to the database.
Adding user profile fields...
  Field umode added to the database
  Field uorder added to the database
  Field notify_method added to the database
  Field notify_mode added to the database
  Field user_regdate added to the database
  Field posts added to the database
  Field attachsig added to the database
  Field timezone_offset added to the database
  Field user_mailok added to the database
  Field theme added to the database
  Field actkey added to the database
  Field last_login added to the database
t DROP 'PRIMARY'check that column/key exists  << Is that a problem How to fix it ?
loginname field added
uname field updated
loginname data updated
xoops_module_update_system executed successfully

Module System updated successfully.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config storyhome added to the database.
Config dateformat added to the database.
Config displaynav added to the database.
Config autoapprove added to the database.
Config newsdisplay added to the database.
Config displayname added to the database.
Config columnmode added to the database.
Config storycountadmin added to the database.
Config uploadgroups added to the database.
Config maxuploadsize added to the database.
Config restrictindex added to the database.
Config newsbythisauthor added to the database.
Config showprevnextlink added to the database.
Config showsummarytable added to the database.
Config authoredit added to the database.
Config ratenews added to the database.
Config topicsrss added to the database.
Config metadata added to the database.
Config form_options added to the database.
Config keywordshighlight added to the database.
Config highlightcolor added to the database.
Config infotips added to the database.
Config sitenavbar added to the database.
Config tabskin added to the database.
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Config notification_enabled added to the database.
Config notification_events added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config popular added to the database.
Config displayicons added to the database.
Config daysnew added to the database.
Config daysupdated added to the database.
Config perpage added to the database.
Config admin_perpage added to the database.
Config filexorder added to the database.
Config subcats added to the database.
Config screenshot added to the database.
Config usethumbs added to the database.
Config updatethumbs added to the database.
Config imagequality added to the database.
Config keepaspect added to the database.
Config shotwidth added to the database.
Config shotheight added to the database.
Config check_host added to the database.
Config referers added to the database.
Config submitarts added to the database.
Config anonpost added to the database.
Config autoapprove added to the database.
Config useruploads added to the database.
Config maxfilesize added to the database.
Config maximgwidth added to the database.
Config maximgheight added to the database.
Config uploaddir added to the database.
Config mainimagedir added to the database.
Config screenshots added to the database.
Config catimage added to the database.
Config Filetype added to the database.
Config dateformat added to the database.
Config showdisclaimer added to the database.
Config disclaimer added to the database.
Config showDowndisclaimer added to the database.
Config downdisclaimer added to the database.
Config copyright added to the database.
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Config notification_enabled added to the database.
Config notification_events added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config do_debug added to the database.
Config image_set added to the database.
Config image_type added to the database.
Config pngforie_enabled added to the database.
Config form_options added to the database.
Config subforum_display added to the database.
Config post_excerpt added to the database.
Config topics_per_page added to the database.
Config posts_per_page added to the database.
Config posts_for_thread added to the database.
Config cache_enabled added to the database.
Config dir_attachments added to the database.
Config media_allowed added to the database.
Config path_magick added to the database.
Config path_netpbm added to the database.
Config image_lib added to the database.
Config max_img_width added to the database.
Config max_image_width added to the database.
Config max_image_height added to the database.
Config wol_enabled added to the database.
Config wol_admin_col added to the database.
Config wol_mod_col added to the database.
Config user_level added to the database.
Config userbar_enabled added to the database.
Config show_realname added to the database.
Config groupbar_enabled added to the database.
Config rating_enabled added to the database.
Config reportmod_enabled added to the database.
Config quickreply_enabled added to the database.
Config rss_enable added to the database.
Config rss_maxitems added to the database.
Config rss_maxdescription added to the database.
Config rss_cachetime added to the database.
Config rss_utf8 added to the database.
Config view_mode added to the database.
Config option addedNameNone Value0
    Config option added
NameFlat Value1
    Config option added
NameThreaded Value2
    Config option removed
NameKein Value0
    Config option removed
NameFlach Value1
    Config option removed
NameDiskussion Value2
  Config menu_mode added to the database
Config show_jump added to the database.
Config show_permissiontable added to the database.
Config email_digest added to the database.
Config show_ip added to the database.
Config enable_karma added to the database.
Config karma_options added to the database.
Config since_options added to the database.
Config since_default added to the database.
Config allow_user_anonymous added to the database.
Config anonymous_prefix added to the database.
Config allow_require_reply added to the database.
Config edit_timelimit added to the database.
Config recordedit_timelimit added to the database.
Config delete_timelimit added to the database.
Config post_timelimit added to the database.
Config subject_prefix_level added to the database.
Config subject_prefix added to the database.
Config disc_show added to the database.
Config option addedNameNone Value0
    Config option removed
NameKein Value0
  Config disclaimer added to the database
Config welcome_forum added to the database.
Config option addedNameNone Value0
    Config option added
NameWei?ensee Value9
    Config option added
NamePankow-Zentrum/Heinersdorf Value10
    Config option added
NameBlankenfelde/Buch/Karow Value11
    Config option added
NameFranz?sisch Buchholz Value12
    Config option added
NameBlankenburg/Malchow Value13
    Config option added
NameNiedersch?nhausen Value15
    Config option added
NameWilhelmsruh/Rosenthal Value16
    Config option removed
NameKein Value0
    Config option removed
NameAu?erhalb Pankow-Zentrum Value9
  Config notification_enabled added to the database
Config notification_events added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config popular added to the database.
Config displayicons added to the database.
Config daysnew added to the database.
Config daysupdated added to the database.
Config perpage added to the database.
Config admin_perpage added to the database.
Config filexorder added to the database.
Config subcats added to the database.
Config screenshot added to the database.
Config usethumbs added to the database.
Config updatethumbs added to the database.
Config imagequality added to the database.
Config keepaspect added to the database.
Config shotwidth added to the database.
Config shotheight added to the database.
Config submitarts added to the database.
Config anonpost added to the database.
Config autoapprove added to the database.
Config mainimagedir added to the database.
Config screenshots added to the database.
Config catimage added to the database.
Config dateformat added to the database.
Config showdisclaimer added to the database.
Config disclaimer added to the database.
Config showlinkdisclaimer added to the database.
Config linkdisclaimer added to the database.
Config copyright added to the database.
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Config notification_enabled added to the database.
Config notification_events added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config cfgImpressum added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config global_settings added to the database.
Config may_guests_post added to the database.
Config guests_may_chname added to the database.
Config allow_bbcode added to the database.
Config stamp_format added to the database.
Config maxshouts added to the database.
Config block_settings added to the database.
Config show_smileybar added to the database.
Config iframe_width added to the database.
Config iframe_height added to the database.
Config iframe_border added to the database.
Config popup added to the database.
Config block_autorefresh added to the database.
Config popup_settings added to the database.
Config popup_whoisonline added to the database.
Config popup_show_smileybar added to the database.
Config popup_sound added to the database.
Config popup_guests added to the database.
Config popup_irc added to the database.
Config popup_autofocus added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config label_fld1 added to the database.
Config label_fld2 added to the database.
Config label_fld3 added to the database.
Config label_fld4 added to the database.
Config label_fld5 added to the database.
Config label_fld6 added to the database.
Config label_fld7 added to the database.
Config label_fld8 added to the database.
Config label_fld9 added to the database.
Config label_fld10 added to the database.
Config label_fld11 added to the database.
Config rows_per_page added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config mixed_mode added to the database.
Config index_viewmode added to the database.
Config mixed_maxitem added to the database.
Config mixed_maxlen added to the database.
Config proxy_host added to the database.
Config proxy_port added to the database.
Config proxy_user added to the database.
Config proxy_pass added to the database.
Config dtfmt_short added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config t_width added to the database.
Config t_max added to the database.
Config ta_rows added to the database.
Config ta_cols added to the database.
Config max_forms_list_admin added to the database.
Config delimiter added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config global_disabled added to the database.
Config log_level added to the database.
Config groups_denyipmove added to the database.
Config san_nullbyte added to the database.
Config die_badext added to the database.
Config contami_action added to the database.
Config isocom_action added to the database.
Config union_action added to the database.
Config id_forceintval added to the database.
Config file_dotdot added to the database.
Config dos_expire added to the database.
Config dos_f5count added to the database.
Config dos_f5action added to the database.
Config dos_crcount added to the database.
Config dos_craction added to the database.
Config dos_crsafe added to the database.
Config bip_except added to the database.
Config patch_2092 added to the database.
Config passwd_disabling_bip added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category xoops_default added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config multimenu_show_main added to the database.
Config multimenu_text_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_banner added to the database.
Config multimenu_display_nav added to the database.
Config multimenu_icon added to the database.
Config multimenu_img_width added to the database.
Config multimenu_theme added to the database.
Config multimenu_theme_type added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm01_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm01_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm02_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm02_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm03_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm03_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm04_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm04_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm05_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm05_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm06_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm06_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm07_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm07_index added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm08_title added to the database.
Config multimenu_mm08_index added to the database.
Adding module config category data...
Config category settings added to the database.
Config category user added to the database.
Adding module config data...
Config profile_search added to the database.
Config max_uname added to the database.
Config min_uname added to the database.
Config display_disclaimer added to the database.
Config disclaimer added to the database.
Config bad_unames added to the database.
Config bad_emails added to the database.
Config minpass added to the database.
Config new_user_notify added to the database.
Config new_user_notify_group added to the database.
Config activation_type added to the database.
Config activation_group added to the database.
Config uname_test_level added to the database.
Config allow_register added to the database.
Config avatar_allow_upload added to the database.
Config avatar_width added to the database.
Config avatar_height added to the database.
Config avatar_maxsize added to the database.
Config self_delete added to the database.
Config avatar_minposts added to the database.
Config allow_chgmail added to the database.
Config allowed_groups added to the database.

11) Trying to access http://localhost/cms (mainsite) results in 100% CPU-Load caused by Apache, nothing is going to be displayed
12) Gave up

I hope you guys can help me. I want to have it running local before updating my Website !

Re: Upgrade 2.0.13 to 2.2 big problem

If you can start over see these tutorials to get you started.

XOOPS 2.2 Flash Tutorials

Bare in mind these are still works in progress, as well as very large tutorials (dial-up may take some time to load them).

But within this section I have a chmod, upload, installation (from scratch), and a 2.0.13 to 2.2 upgrade tutorial, as well as a short tour of the new interface.

I hope these are helpful, and will be updating and hopefully reducing the size as I can.

Re: Upgrade 2.0.13 to 2.2 big problem

Thanks for your nice tutorials and your reply. I have made everything just like it is explained in the docs or your tutorial but it does not work

I realy dont know what the problem with my XOOPS install is. Upgrading with a fresh 2.0.13 works, with my backed up website it doesnt !

Someone knows whats the meaning of that error and why he may not find that table-field ?

"Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key exists"

Any further ideas ?

Re: Upgrade 2.0.13 to 2.2 big problem

One more thing I tried without any positive results:

Removed any Module except the System-Module.

Re: Upgrade 2.0.13 to 2.2 big problem

Someone knows whats the meaning of that error and why he may not find that table-field ?

"Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key exists"

Would you happen to be using MySQL version 4.1x?

Seems to be a lot of instances of errors listed in Google with that version when you attempt to drop a primary key when none is defined.

Re: Upgrade 2.0.13 to 2.2 big problem
  • 2005/10/28 22:54

  • treefrog

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2004/4/17

I have tried twice now, and still no success. (The second time after a restore full backup... restore database)...

Here's my similar situation:

I turned on php debug, closed the site, and copied over the files (including leaving out the "install" folder as requested by Mithrandir on the upgrade instructions here... (That's not mentioned in the html file in the patch folder)

When I went to http://www.mysite.com/xoopsupdate.php, I got the error messages as mentioned and reloaded the page as instructed. This gave me a blank page... no submit button anywhere to be found. Mithrandir's instructions say "Reload the page until you get a submit button asking you to upgrade to XOOPS 2.2"... so I tried at least a dozen times. When that didn't work, I called up recovery.php, where debug was still set to on, but nothing changed trying to call up the xoopsupdate.php.

I restored my site files ( and my database and started over again. The same things happened EXCEPT that I can no longer call up recovery.php.

I have followed the blank page FAQ instructions here regarding the SQL query (which was successful) and changin common.php error reporting. This is what I now get trying to load xoopsupdate.php or recovery.php:

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/**user**/public_html/class/database/mysqldatabase.php on line 240

line 240 reads:

if (isset($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']) && isset($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['debug_mode']) && in_array(2$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['debug_mode'])) {

I am running on Apache 1.3.33
PHP v4.3.11
MySQL v4.0.25-standard

Can anyone help me?


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