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Why do I have a blank white page on my site?
All so-called "blank pages" in Xoops are caused by an error which terminates the script early. The goal of this page is to help you turn some debugging features on so you can get a more meaningful picture of what is going wrong, preferably some error messages. Please keep in mind, there is always an error which is causing the "blank page -- it may just be hard to get at. You will not get a response in the forums if you just type "Help me, I get a blank page" because there is no way for anyone to tell what is wrong. If you can also give a list of the error messages you see, your chances for solving the problem are much better. (Also don't forget to specify which version of xoops you are running, whether it was an upgrade from a previous version, also your versions of mysql, apache/other webserver, PHP, and which theme and template set you are using. If you are using a lot of non-standard modules, it would be a good idea to list those too.) A: To turn on debugging try the following things: = 1. If you can get to admininstration menu, go to Preferences, select 'Main', and find the section on debugging options. Choose "PHP Debugging" 2. If you can't get to the administration page, but have access to mysql, try the query "UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_value=1 WHERE conf_name = 'debug_mode'". Be sure to make sure "xoops_config" matches the name of the config table in your installation. (NOTE: This does not work with XOOPS 2.2, see 2a) 2a. In XOOPS 2.2, go to your site's root file "recovery.php" and set the debug settings through the interface here 3. If you can't get to the administration page, and don't want to mess with mysql, but don't mind messing with PHP, then edit the file "include/common.php". Near line 83, change "error_reporting(0);" to "error_reporting(E_ALL);". 4. If this still doesn't work, your server or hoster may have turned off debugging in "/etc/php.ini" (linux) or "WIN_DIRECTORY/php.ini" (windows). Make sure there is a line in there "display_errors On". 5. If you don't have access to change this file (e.g. on shared hosting), then if the server uses the "apache" webserver, you can create a file called ".htaccess" to override the settings locally. This file should contain the line: "php_flag display_errors on". The tricky part is WHERE to put this file. Look at the URL you are having problems with. Put the file in the corresponding directory. e.g. If it is "" or "" then you need to put the file in the main xoops directory. If it is something like "" then put it in "modules/system" subdirectory of your xoops installation. etc. B: Common Error Messages (and fixes) Once you produce an error message you can begin to diagnose your particular problem. Generally you can ignore any 'Notice' or 'Warning' that you see. Be on the lookout for 'Fatal Error' as this is the most important one. If you have been unable to produce an error message, proceed to section "C: Possible Fixes" and you can try some of the suggestions there. Following is a list of error messages that you might see, along with steps you can take to remedy the problem. (Please feel free to add to this list, or correct the message so it more accurately reflects what PHP says.) 1. "Failed opening required..." or "Undefined function..." This most likely indicates that a required file could not be loaded. First check if the file is there and in the correct location; if it is, then check the permissions of the file to make sure the webserver can READ it. It is also possible that the file is corrupted, or that your FTP program changed file/directory names. Check your FTP program settings (make sure you "preserve directory structure", and do NOT "force lowercase", etc...) and try again installing/uploading the files again. 2. "Call to a member of a non-object" Very frequently this is caused by failure to connect to the database. If you get this error occurring near line 286 in kernel/configitem.php, then the database is to blame. Check your database settings in mainfile.php, and also make sure you have setup mysql permissions correctly, and that the database is actually running. In particular, try and access the database directly - if possible using the same user/password that you specified in the Xoops installation. Note that after you change permissions for users within mysql, you must perform "flush privileges" and/or restart your database server before the new settings will be applied. This error can be caused by other problems as well. If you know PHP, check that file and line number and see which object is the culprit. e.g. If you see "$xoopsDB->query('blah');" on that line, then $xoopsDB is not an object, indicating the the database was not successfully connected. You may have to do a little digging to solve these problems. 3. "Cannot redeclare class ..." The most frequent cause of this error is the installation of non-standard modules. Some modules are still in very early stages and have not been fully adapted to xoops 2 or have not been properly tested with xoops 2 and with other modules. Probably the module author has used "include" where she/he should have used "include_once". Usually the file identified in the error message will indicate which module is at fault. This module can then be deactivated. * Or you can go to the line # specified and change the line from include('yourfile'); to include_once('yourfile'); - ackbarr C. Possible Fixes (Compiled off of the XOOPS Forums) Below is a list of various methods that have corrected the issue for different users on the XOOPS forums. Which one, if any, that will work for you is highly dependent on your particular installation. The list is not intended to be followed in order, but rather you should focus on what seems most relevant given your error message. [1] In the php.ini, make sure that register_globals=on. You can check this by creating a test script with this single line of code: NOTE: The XOOPS core should work without changing this to ON, but some modules may not and thus will give blank pages. Turning on the debugging options outlined earlier in this page will help you track down which section or module is causing the error. [2] Sometimes the PHP GZIP module is not added or correctly compiled with PHP, go into the XOOPS admin (system>preferences) and turn off support for GZIP. [3] Make sure that you have installed XOOPS according to the installation directions by CHMODing the cache dirs on a UNIX server. [4] Re-upload the theme files for whichever theme you're using. Sometimes things get corrupted via FTP upload. First upload phpkaox and set your system preferences to use this theme. [5] Make sure that your running PHP 4.12 or later (preferably 4.22 due to security fixes in PHP) [6] Make sure that you dont have another CMS interferring with XOOPS like PHPNuke, PostNuke, etc. [7] Make sure that the cache, uploads, templates_c directories are CHMOD 777 (anonymous r/w permission on Windows) [8] Try turning Safe Mode off on the server. (Not recommended as it is less secure). [9] Double-check the following permissions: 755 - all directories which dont require writing from the web server 777 - all directories which do require writing from the web server 644 - all files which dont require writing from the web server 666 - all files which do require writing from the web server 444 - mainfile.php [10] Try switching to the default theme. Several themes are meant for xoops 1 or have not been properly converted to xoops 2, causing a variety of problems. If this fixes your problem, at least you've identified the source of the problem. If you find a problem with a theme, please post on forums and/or notify the author of the theme. [11] Try disabling all non-standard (i.e. anything not included with xoops download) modules. If you cannot get to your admin menu, you can do this by editing the xoops_modules table via mysql or phpmyadmin. Several modules are in early stages and have not been properly tested with xoops 2, sometimes causing problems. If this fixes your problem, try re-enabling one at a time, to determine exactly which module(s) are causing problems. If you find a problem with a module, please post on forums and/or notify the author of the module [12] Added by carnuke ... if returns a blank page, see this FAQ here [13] Check if mysql extension is loaded in php.ini: --- Additional details submitted by Max-Realms on 2005/3/26 1:06:34 In my case, I got blank pages without debug errors showing. After a while of troubleshooting, I found that my database "user" had exceeded max_questions (50,000 per hour). My server is hosted, so I can't change anything there. However, I found that if I created several more database users and gave them each full access to the xoops database, this problem was fixed. I don't know anything about Mysql, but perhaps when a db has multiple users, they share the load. If this is in fact true, then it would be great if the mainfile.php and/or core files could be setup to skip to the next available database user when the default one exceeds these limts. David Goodman --- Additional details submitted by GlaDiaC on 2005/7/25 14:34:04 Are you using your cpanel X File Manager? cPanel X's File Manager module seems to add trailing carriage returns at the end of the PHP file (after the !>). You need to edit your PHP files some other way and upload them, or re-edit the file remove the extra lines. See this FAQ

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Comprehensive guide to blank page.

This is a really comprehensive and useful guide. Thanks Mithrandir for filling in this important area. Looking at the 5000 plus reads, I reckon it must be helping many many people.


 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.


It's really just a copy-paste from the wiki


 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.

... and the 5000+ reads is because the XOOPS 'cannot connect to database' error now points to this FAQ item (via a wiki redirection)...



 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.

Never mind eh, It's all part of my campaign to raise the attention level of the XOOPS FAQ.


 Error apears

I have change the setting :error_reporting(0); to error_reporting(E_ALL);

And this is the error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $end in //premfs11\sites\premium11\aptdesigners\webroot\news\modules\system\blocks\system_blocks.php on line 415


 Re: Error apears

If you have to use cpanel to edit the index.php and update any info - make sure it doesn't add a line of whitespace outside after php close ?>

As it will stop the headers redirecting!


 Re: Error apears

Thanks RossCO for that valuable point. I'm seeing this comment appear quite a lot on these forums and I've experienced it myself also.

There is also a FAQ about this problem.


 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.

Herko Coomans wrote...


... and the 5000+ reads is because the XOOPS 'cannot connect to database' error now points to this FAQ item (via a wiki redirection)...

Bang on. I am in the midst of an "outage" with my web host ( They've been out for the past 1/2 hour, just when I was doing some highly intesive modifications to my site. Grrrrrr.

It must've been a trickle of thoroughput that spawned the redirector text to this page.

BTW, you might want to add that to the possible symptoms on this faq.


 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.

Don't take what I am about to say the wrong way, I think the FAQ is great but when a FAQ is used so often and is used for similar topics, this would suggest their is something wrong with the program (software, code) or information is not presented in a clear manner in order to prevent this occurring so often (i.e. blank or white pages).



 wRoNg cAsE!

w/ XOOPS check:

Line 38 in class/template.php

require_once SMARTY_DIR.'Smarty.class.php';

Should be:
require_once SMARTY_DIR.'smarty.class.php';

Line 381 class/smarty/smarty.class.php
var $compiler_file        =    'Smarty_Compiler.class.php';

Should be:
var $compiler_file        =    'smarty_compiler.class.php';


 Re: wRoNg cAsE!

Egad! Are we doing development on a case-insensitive Windoze server?!

Actually, in my setup, those filenames do have initial caps.


 Re: wRoNg cAsE!

I changed my theme on my XOOPS site and it made it blank when I tryied to open and new window to go back to log back in to change themes it was and blank page. All I can acces is my cpanel. Is there and way I can edit thre there to get back to my defualt them or the them I had to start off??


 Re: wRoNg cAsE!

Hey JMorris,

Can you or anyone veryify what line 82 of index.php should be?

After a clean install, I get this error message:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/www/ on line 82

I'm using Linux
php version 4.3.4
mysql version 4.0.23_Debian-4-log


 Re: wRoNg cAsE!

See response to your help request in the forums.


 Watch out for banned IPs

I'm not sure why this is the case, but my XOOPS automatically put into the banned ips field in the general settings section of the control panel.

This caused me a blank page when I wanted to backup my live database and restore it on my development workstation (and I banged my head for hours trying to figure it out).

This is a case where not ALL blank pages are caused by errors. This blank page was caused by an explicit call to exit() in include/common.php.

If you are backing up your database from a live website so that you can restore it locally (to do testing or whatever), check to see if is in the banned IPs before backing up your live database. There might be a good reason for it being there (on a live site), but you can temporarily remove it before backing up your site.

Can someone comment on why would automatically be in the banned ips?


 Blank Page

I got a blank page when installing because i had just installed php, but had not configured mysql properly.

It's funny, because you would think XOOPS would tell you that the mysql functions aren't working, or that there is some kind of error, but instead, a blank page occurs.


 Re: Blank Page

The error is there in the blank page. But, You have to turn on debug mode to view it. The reason for this is that for some errors sensitive information could be displayed that you would not want others to see. Like for instance you path to home directory or database prefix.


 max_questions resource exceeded

thanks for the suggestion on the max_questions resource problem. I have been plagued by this issue and have cached all the blocks and modules I can and no help. I've added a bunch more database users and will see if this helps. so far seems to be working.


 Re: max_questions resource exceeded

as for the max_questions part of the FAQ above, has anyone documented how to get mainfile.php or somewhere else to rotate through database users? I posted a similar solution used for phpNuke in the forums, but don't know how to implement it for xoops.

This is the only solution I have been able to find, and it is really the only one that seems to make sense.

This is a HUGE problem with XOOPS and other CMSs, and it is probably a simple solution. . just needs the attention of someone who knows the code.

Please help!

I hope


--- Additional details submitted by Max-Realms on 2005/3/26 1:06:34

In my case, I got blank pages without debug errors showing. After a while of troubleshooting, I found that my database "user" had exceeded max_questions (50,000 per hour).

My server is hosted, so I can't change anything there. However, I found that if I created several more database users and gave them each full access to the XOOPS database, this problem was fixed. I don't know anything about Mysql, but perhaps when a db has multiple users, they share the load.

If this is in fact true, then it would be great if the mainfile.php and/or core files could be setup to skip to the next available database user when the default one exceeds these limts.


 Re: max_questions resource exceeded

The suggested "fix" might work for user's with multiple DB accounts, but for those of us with only one DB account, the above would be useless. Besides, sounds like it's a half-measures patch job rather than an actual fix.

Personally, I don't know enough about MySQL to even begin to tackle your issue. But then agian, I haven't had any blank page problems with XOOPS in 2 years that either I didn't cause, or were not just a chance happening that was fixed by re-uploading the core files. (Yes, this includes the "wrong case" issue from before).

That's not to say that there isn't a problem. Given past experience with the way XOOPS handles DB queries, I wouldn't be a bit suprised, but that dead horse has been beaten more than enough.


 Re: max_questions resource exceeded

Thanks for your note. Actually, virtually everyone on a shared host account is granted some level of multiple users per database, as well as multiple databases. . . The fix does not suggest making multiple databases, but to create multipleb database users to access the 1 XOOPS database and have these share the load by rotating these users in mainfile.php. It is most definitely a FIX. Most shared host environment allow X queries per user of the database per hour but allow mutliple users, such that 3 users = 3*X queries per hour. Some shared hosts limit to 3 users per database. Some do not have a set limit. I have 10 users on set in SQL for my 1 XOOPS dbase. Problem is that XOOPS currently doesn't take advantage of multiple dbase users and the extra queries they enable.

Here's the fix for phpNuke. Can XOOPS mainfile.php be modified to imitate this behavior, and if so, how. . .Please help!


(host) currently limits users to 72,000 SELECT queries, per hour, per user. Once you have used up your quota, you will begin to receive "max_questions" errors until the end of the hour, and your quota is reset. Please note, this limit only applies to SELECT queries, and not INSERT queries. There has been no official word on whether UPDATE queries are affected.

Most users will never notice this limitation, however there are some programs out there that are very unconservative with their queries. Forums (AKA: bulletin boards, message boards) such as phpbb and CMS's (Content Management Systems) such as phpnuke are typically the greatest offenders due the large number of queries and the rapid click through rate.

To compensate for this limitation, you can set up 2 additional users (for a total of 3 users), and spread out your queries among them. This will give you a total of 216K SELECT queries. To set this up, you must complete 5 steps.

1) Log in to ops and go to packages > MySQL. Add users until you have 3, making sure that each user has the exact same password.

2) Locate where the database information is stored. Often it will be in a file called config.php, base.php, include.php or common.php. You should find the name, the user name, password, and server for your database.

3) Once you have found the file, you will see the variables defined in one of two fashions.
A regular variable will look like this: $db_user = "user_name";
Defined variables will look like this: define("db_user", "user_name");

4) Add the following lines of code immediately after the line you commented out.

$db_user_array[] = ""; //enter 1st user name
$db_user_array[] = ""; //enter 2nd user name
$db_user_array[] = ""; //enter 3rd user name

5) Depending on whether your script uses regular variables, or defined variables, enter one of the following lines after everything else we just added. Make sure you change "db_user" into whatever the correct name should be (see the line that you commented out).

//regular variable
$db_user = $db_user_array[ rand( 0, ( sizeof($db_user_array) -1 ) ) ];

//defined variable
define( "db_user", $db_user_array[ rand( 0, ( sizeof($db_user_array) -1 ) ) ] );

If you end up needing to remove one of your database user names in order to allow someone else to use your database, or if Powweb changes their number of users, updating the rotation script is as simple as adding or removing users from the list (eg: $db_user_array[] = ""


 Re: max_questions resource exceeded


Actually, virtually everyone on a shared host account is granted some level of multiple users per database, as well as multiple databases.

No, not actually. There are a large number of hosts who have entry level packages that only allow for ONE DB USER for that account. Some people don't need a large hosting account, and therefore, only having one DB user account is more than adequate.

You missed my point entirely. A FIX would change the way that the queries are handled rather than working around the number of queries by using multiple accounts.

Multiple account access is not possible for everyone and is a bit a rediculous requirement on modern CMFs/CMSs. Much larger systems than XOOPS (Typo3 is an example) have absolutely no problem using just one DB with one DB account.

IF there is a problem with XOOPS exceeding maximum queries per user account, then the problem is is XOOPS code and needs to be fixed there by reducing the number of queries required to perform the operation. Patching mainfile.php to query multiple accounts is a hack and not a real solution for the real world. Well, that is, unless you don't mind alienating several hundred users like myself who ONLY HAVE ONE DB & DB USER ACCOUNT.


 Re: max_questions resource exceeded

i agree with your point that the code should be written such that it is efficient in number of queries rather than using a hack, of whatever sort. i'm sure that you are correct that some folks have accounts that enable only 1 db user, however, i believe if you do a quick scan of average entry-level, shared host account by leading providers for $8/month or less (, you will find that this is the exception. Most webhosts will upgrade people to remain competitve, so maybe you can check into this. . .In any event, it's clear that there is a problem with certain modules, and whatever way it can be fixed. . it would be nice if it were to happen.


 Re: max_questions resource exceeded

Hi guys,

I don't have the link in front of me right now, but someone answered the question of how to modify the mainfile.php to skip to the next available user in a forum here. I didn't do it because [he] gave an explanation and then said I would have to create an array of some kind.

I'm a 3d Model maker, not a XOOPS genius or any other kind of web guru. Please look for the post and take it from there. ;)

As for the "alienating XOOPS users with only 1 database" thing...My suggestion was for those of us with a hosted server who have the ability to have multiple users. The "hack" would be a great service to those like us. Anyone else with the same problem should seek another solution.

If XOOPS core system modifications could "fix" it for all of us, then that would be great, but I'm afraid the general thinking at higher is that if you don't have complete control of the server (virtual, dedicated or owned) then get complete control and that will fix your problem.



 Re: max_questions resource exceeded

The core itself is quite efficient with queries (can always be better, of course, but the margin is small. In the XooSphere project this will be taken into account in the architecture).

The biggest gain is in the modules. Most module developers focus a lot on features and improve efficiency after that, perhaps we should teach them how to be more efficient from the start...



 Another Blank Page cause

I troubleshot the blank page error for hours going through all the suggestions to no avail. Turns out not all the pages uploaded (newbie at uploading...extracted first, then moved!). Once I did this properly, all fired up just as expected.


 Re: Blank Page

This article just saved my life today.

Thanks Max thankx a lot


 What is the "single line of code"?

This is a great resource. For whatever reason, in section C, item [1], I do not see the "single line of code". Can anyone fix that little problem? Thanks!



 Re: The single line of code

Based on what I found at:

the single line of code must be something similar to:

echo 'register_globals = ' . ini_get('register_globals');


 Re: The single line of code

actually the missing line of code should be:

echo 'register_globals = ' ini_get('register_globals'); ?>

that will then let you see your server setup and you will then be able to see what is turned on and what is turned off


 Re: The single line of code

i am getting this error on my website after i moved it from the local computer to the server.

Error [Xoops]: Class XoopsModuleHandler does not exist
Handler Name: module in file include/functions.php line 491

I have tried all the options but to no avail so far. when i rename the Modules folder, i get to see the header and footer loaded perfectly. Something wierd is going on , the local backup is working fine.



i got a fresh install of XOOPS 2.2.1 but got this error :


This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.

If you are the administrator of this site, please visit the XOOPS Troubleshooting Page for assistance.

Helpful infomation you should provide while asking for assistance:

Error [Xoops]: Unable to connect to database in file class/database/databasefactory.php line 34

already try to follow the above instructions but failed..... please help me .....tq.


 Re: Error

thanks for this info,check if you have "checked" the Gzip compression to Yes,because this causes a blank page..


 Re: .

got this error message, haven't changed any settings on the page in weeks though, its been running for 2 years stable until now..

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /www/htdocs/protone/header.php on line 112

how do i fix this? can't get in to the administration or mysql anymore...heeeelp please


 Good guide, but I can't solve the matter.

I did all the tips above, but the problem still remain:

Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference

What can I do to solve this thing?
I'm not much a coder......



 Re: Good guide, but I can't solve the matter.

Turn off PHP debug mode in Preferences - General Settings.


 Yea I did all that stuff

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: xoopsformbutton in /home/lillians/public_html/spookyblackcats/xoopsupdate.php on line 47 thats the code I get when trying the xoopsupdate.php


 Re: Good guide, but I can't solve the matter.

Thanks jdseymour,
but turning php debug off doesn't solve the fact the blank page are white, anyone can tell me what to do to have the site working good?


Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 491
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 491
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 386
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 491
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 386
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 491
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 386
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 386
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/config.php line 188


 Re: Good guide, but I can't solve the matter.

As far as I have found out, please change all of your folders and sub folders permission to 777. And also disable hotlinking. Then try to refresh the site.


 Re: Good guide, but I can't solve the matter.

can you use the forum for questions relating to problems instead of the FAQ.

it is not a good idea to chmod 777 every file n folder.. in fact that is a really stupid idea.. unless of course you love your websites being hacked or destroyed by unhonest people.

only templates_c, cache, uploads folders need to be 777.. or any folders in certain modules that require write access, such as galleries and image upload folders.

i'm pretty sure honestboy wasn't being honest there!!


 Re: Good guide, but I can't solve the matter.

Thanks to all!
I got the new 2.2.3 version and I have used it and all this kind of problem was solved.



 Tearing my hair out... it boggles the very mind!

Error [Xoops]: Unable to connect to database in file class/database/databasefactory.php line 34

2nd time I had this error...

The site was working fine, then One day out of the blue I got that error. next day it was working again.

And now its back!

Any ideas as to what could be causing this intermittent problem??


 Re: Tearing my hair out... it boggles the very mind!


I would suspect the problem is with the your host. Most likely the mysql database is housed on a different server and you're loosing connection at times to the server housing the db.


You can use cpanel to look at your db for potential problems. I would also take this time to do a database and site backup and download those to the desktop for safe keeping.

don (el paso)


 Re: Tearing my hair out... it boggles the very mind!

I have this problem as well on my shared hosted service. The issue is with Google and Yahoo indexing the site. I tracked when the db connection was erroring and then looked at the stats. EVERY time it was on of the search engines.

For a few of the sites that I didn't care if they were googled, I adjusted the robot.txt file to ban them. Never have had a problem since.


 White Screen of Death

I'm having trouble installing XOOPS on Fedora 4 and 5 which has a new version of MySql which is 5. It also has SELinux and Firewall up and running. My problem is that there is a failure at the 'Saving configuration data..' installation screen when installing XOOPS 2.0. The only save that works is the first line where ' File ../mainfile.php overwritten by ...' suceeds. The remaining 13 lines all fail with a message similar to 'Failed writing constant /var/www/html', etc. I'm not an avid programer in PHP, but it seems like these variables are written to a file not to the data base, so I'm confused as to why they can't write. I've turned on all permissions, I've changed structure ownership, I've disable SELinux and disabled the firewall (which is more a 'hail Mary' thing than reality). All attempts produce the exact same result which is a 'white screen of death' immediately after 'Saving configuration data..' installation screen.

One other thing of note, is I'm running Fedora in a VMWare session, but I've had XOOPS working in this configuration before, so I don't believe it is the problem. Also, I've tried version 2.2 of XOOPS with the same results.

I don't think the problem is with Xoops, but I don't really know where to look further to resolve it. I would appreciate any assistance you could offer.



 Re: White Screen of Death

I've been reading more on this site and I 've discovered a fix for PHP which includes the clearstatcache(); function added into the file install/class/mainfilemanager.php. This only helped temporarily as I was able to save what could not be previously saved. But, at the end of the installation, I still get a white screen. I've also read on the site that XOOPS is not compatable with MySQL 5 yet although there are plans to be there eventually. I guess I'll have to leave it at that.


 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.

[size=xx-large]white pages sucks![/size] how can I troubleshoot XOOPS without any error notification?!! grrrrrr..


 Re: Comprehensive guide to blank page.

Please do not be so rude! Go back to section
A: To turn on debugging try the following things:

Have you attempted these things? if so and you still can't get in to turn on your debug then make a polite request int he forums. Your shouting will get you nowhere!


 Here is my problem "blank white page"

All errors (1) queries (6) blocks (0) extra (0) timers (3)
Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /modules/system/admin/preferences/main.php line 50

SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = 'a09843586abd4a02b301b0a1d4ba335e'
SELECT * FROM xoops_users WHERE uid=1
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
SELECT * FROM xoops_configcategory
SELECT * FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))

Please anybody to help me, in front thank you.


 Cannot redeclare class - possible workaround

For this one ...

3. "Cannot redeclare class ..."

changing the code to


won't always work, because there may be other modules in the page (as blocks), which are trying to declare the class from another file (the include is within each module).

Here is a possible workaround.

1. Find out if the class has already been declared

array get_declared_classes ( void );

2. Loop through the array, looking for the particular class.

3. If the class is NOT found, THEN do the ..


4. I haven't tested this, but it sounds okay in theory. :)



 Re: Cannot redeclare class - possible workaround

Hello, sorry my inglish is bad.
Well, I'am a problem connection MySql.
I explain, I'am deleting the database, but I have a backup, and proceed the instalation database with phpMyAdmin, using file .sql, but don't conect a new database. The database name and tables is the very same. What I make now?
Please, help me.


 Balnk page Showing..with an error

Hi all While i was trying to check the user detials of a white page appered and a msg appeared like this..... This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.
How can i rectify the error.. Somebody please help me...Thanks prashob.


 blank page when update a module

I have read all the text and all the comments adn search for my problem in the site but couldnt find answer. my XOOPS 2.2.3 site gives blank page when I update a module and it cant uptade the module. Some of the modules giving this problem and the most important one is the system module. the site shows no message when I press the update buton. I only see a blank page and cant do anythind. Is there a solition for this. I triede to upgrade to XOOPS 2.2.4 but I cant update system module. So I cant do anything. There no other problem in my site


 Re: blank page when update a module


can you use the forum for questions relating to problems instead of the FAQ.

again!! you'll get a response far quicker if you post your problems on the forum in the right place instead of in comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 white page because I managed to band myself

I nearly had my site working the way I wanted. logging off and on as different users to see I had the perms correct. Then I get the white page on a login.
Nothing worked. I did everything this guide suggested to get debugging on, but still just got a white page.

I started manually debugging by inserting die("here"); type statements in the code.

Narrowed the problem to $xoopsSecurity->checkBadips();.
I disabled this check (xoopsConfig['enable_badips']<=0) through the phpmysql interface in my cpanel (turning on the debug flag was my first attempt with this tool).

This solved my white pages. Admin page showed my ip address was in the band list.

Any idea what caused that?

Also, why not print a "Your Ip address is banded message"?, that might have save me a couple of hours.


 Re: white page because I managed to band myself

This info could be useful but the question will not likely be answered here - let me reiterate the post above:

can you use the forum for questions relating to problems instead of the FAQ.

you'll get a response far quicker if you post your problems on the forum in the right place instead of in comments!


 Re: white page because I managed to band myself

The main purpose of the post was to show that turning debugging on was not enough to solve this blank page.

Just ignore the questions .
I'll edit them out if you wish.


 Re: white page because I managed to band myself

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xoopsOption[template_mainshould be defined before including header.php in file /footer.php line 68
FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid '0' AND conf_catid '1'ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id 
SELECT FROM xoops_users WHERE uid=1
FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname 'multiMenu'
SELECT FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid '2'ORDER BY conf_order ASC
FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid '0' AND conf_catid '3'ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE gperm_name 
'block_read' AND gperm_modid AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2)
SELECT b.* FROM xoops_newblocks bxoops_block_module_link m WHERE AND b.isactive=AND b.visible=AND m.module_id IN (0,2,-1) AND IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22ORDER BY b.weight,
(*) FROM xoops_priv_msgs WHERE (read_msg '0' AND to_userid '1')
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops_tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops_tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset 'default' AND tpl_file 'system_block_user.html'ORDER BY tpl_refid
FROM xoops_modules WHERE (hasmain '1' AND isactive '1' AND weight '0'ORDER BY weight ASCmid ASC
FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name 'module_read' AND gperm_modid '1' AND (gperm_groupid '1' OR gperm_groupid '2'))
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops_tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops_tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset 'default' AND tpl_file 'system_block_mainmenu.html'ORDER BY tpl_refid
FROM xoops_smiles
SELECT conf_value FROM xoops_multimenu_counter WHERE conf_key
SELECT groupslinksubmenutitletargetimageurlweight FROM xoops_multimenu01 WHERE hide 1 ORDER BY weight
SELECT groups
linksubmenutitletargetimageurlweight FROM xoops_multimenu02 WHERE hide 1 ORDER BY weight
SELECT groups
linksubmenutitletargetimageurlweight FROM xoops_multimenu03 WHERE hide 1 ORDER BY weight
SELECT groups
linksubmenutitletargetimageurlweight FROM xoops_multimenu04 WHERE hide 1 ORDER BY weight
SELECT groups
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SELECT groups
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SELECT groups
linksubmenutitletargetimageurlweight FROM xoops_multimenu07 WHERE hide 1 ORDER BY weight
SELECT groups
linksubmenutitletargetimageurlweight FROM xoops_multimenu08 WHERE hide 1 ORDER BY weight
.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops_tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops_tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset 'default' AND tpl_file 'multimenu_index.html'ORDER BY tpl_refid

this come when im login, please help me what should i do?

thx b4


 Re: white page because I managed to band myself

Upgrade Xoops.


 White page - fresh install 2.0.18 rc

Varified fix
Source Forum verified.

I just installed 2.0.18 rc and the same as you, got a white page. (fresh install no upgrade)
I too went through all the steps with no errors.

First I checked my folder permissions and they were all right, next I checked for the mainfile.php and it was not visible via ftp so I went to go to my cpanel and set mainfile.php at 444 -- from there. After the install apparently it was set at 000 -- there was no error that said I needed to reset my mainfile.php permissions as there had been in the past.

Hope this helps,
It corrected my white page problem.



 Re: White page - PHP5.0

Hello guys.
Im one of XOOPS clan..Im from Malaysia..

Asking some tips on blank pages in my school site. The urls are:
1. Once user logged in.
2. In admin.php
3. It also occurred in modules/wmpdownloads but I fixed it already (courtesy from forum)

Can anyone out there help me? I already turn on the debug mode. Thank you in advance.


 how can i change this page?

Since i do not want to redirect all my traffic tothi faq when an error occurs on my site


 Simplified URl and server upgrade related

What if... the answer isn't here?

After the host upgraded the server I got several blank pages for several mods - Userpage, P'tites Annonces, news (maybe some other, too).

I know it's related to the Simplified urls hack, because I uninstalled it and the pages showed up. I installed it again and they didn't show up anymore. before the server upgrade, however everything was OK.

On the blank pages, although debug mode is on for php, I don't get any errors ( I get many errors on the bottom of other pages like index).

What's the answer for this?


 Re: wRoNg cAsE!

This solution might help in many other situations.
It allows to modify values in the MySQL database even if you don´t have access to PHPmyAdmin

Just download the php file, put it somewhere in your server and open it in your web browser.

For instance to revert a change in a themes, if the new theme is blank, just access your database and enter xoops-config table and change the value of "theme_set", if you put the word default instead of the bad theme name you will be able to access your site again.


 XOOPS 2.4.4 filename issues

New to xoops, my first install... After it finished I was presented with a blank page...

After looking around a bit on my site and this one, I finally found this page about blank pages, set 'error_reporting(E_ALL)' in common.php as described above, and received this instead of blank page:

'Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/homepages/5/d322592025/htdocs/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /homepages/5/d322592025/htdocs/ on line 31'.

Problem is that class/template.php is trying to include smarty/Smarty.class.php, but the actual filename is smarty.class.php. Then I got the same error message for Smarty_Compiler.class.php.

Not sure which is wrong, template.php or the filenames, but for now I worked around with a couple of links:

ln -s smarty.class.php Smarty.class.php
ln -s smarty_compiler.class.php Smarty_Compiler.class.php

Now I'm getting a zetagenesis error... shoulda stuck with the default theme for starters, eh? Now I gotta find out how to hack the theme...

Later that same day...

Sheesh! Apparently my host thinks that this is a good thing to have in the system default shell profile:

alias unzip='unzip -L'

So that's why the filenames were lowercased! I'll try again and see if I can get past this error...

Error: Smarty error: [in /homepages/5/d322592025/htdocs/ line 21]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'xoAppUrl' (smarty_compiler.class.php, line 590)


 User cant log in (White blank page)

The site is working fine and the modules are working fine as well

but When i attempt to log in as user I am getting a blank white page without error report mind you i had enabled the debug mode. I got the white page on both versions of xoops.

I started with the XOOPS - 2.5.7 RC with just two module xnews - v1.71 and mymenu - 1.41

I uninstalled it thinking its because it RC and installed XOOPS - 2.5.6 and i am still getting the same problem.

The site is up but i cannot log in due to this white page. I had enabled the debug mode but am not getting any error that i can report on coz its all white.

On my include/common.php here are the settings as they stand.

Start of Error Reportings.
if (
$xoopsConfig['debug_mode'] == || $xoopsConfig['debug_mode'] == 2) {
$xoopsLogger->usePopup = ($xoopsConfig['debug_mode'] == 2);
} else {
$xoopsLogger->activated false;

Am really stranded with time against me.

It was working fine even after installing both modules and working them around. I went to sleep the site was fine but now woke up to the blank white page.

Please help

Am now on: PHP Version is 5.2, XOOPS - 2.5.6, Default theme, xnews - v1.71 and mymenu - 1.41

Many thanks


 Re: User cant log in (White blank page)

For XOOPS 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 you need minimum PHP 5.3.7.

But I highly recommend to use PHP 5.4.x, or even 5.5.x (XOOPS 2.5.7 will be fully certified on PHP 5.5.x)


 Re: User cant log in (White blank page)

@Mamba i changed the settings of my hostgator account from PHP 5.2 to PHP 5.5 and everything worked fine.

Many thanks



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