I have a bizzare problem too!
Updated from through all the patches checking carefully after each update. Worked fine until the hotfix was installed.
Using Firefox 1.0.4 on SuSE linux 9.3 - just get an empty white page displayed:
Firefox 1.0.3 on XP displays the page fine.
I can see my site fine with Konquerer on SuSE linus 9.3 though.
It *WILL* work with Firefox 1.0.4 on SuSE IF I delete the cookie and then refresh the page.... but this is kinda frustrating after 20 pages
I've tried to reinstall but thats going to be a mission copying the data back in to the database :/
One thing I noted was that the mainfile.php files were very very different from the new install to the copies from updates done yesterday.
Can anyone help!