Theme and relative Templates
  • 2005/6/27 14:58

  • arrakis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2004/10/1

Hello all, yes, I've read the FAQ https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=208 :) But I have a question about cloning a theme and working on the templates of the new theme.

What I want to do is to renew my site, which is running good since a year now, but I don't want to work on the actual theme and templates while visitors see the works in progress, and I don't want to close the site for maintenance, I want to do a secondary theme and then work on it, on the theme.html and relative templates, but seems that the template sets are unique for all the themes, or am I missing something? I mean, is possibile to have a separate template set for each theme, should I clone a template set and associate it to a theme??

In the end, when all is ready, I just make the new theme the default one and the people will see it.

Thanks for the suggestions

Re: Theme and relative Templates

Why don't you just make a new fresh XOOPS instalation to be a test site ?

Re: Theme and relative Templates

Or do this:

1) Copy existing theme to a new folder - cloning the theme
2) Create a new subfolder to the themes/newtheme/ folder, called "templates"
3) Create subfolders to "templates" with the name of each module you want to change the templates of (e.g. themes/newtheme/templates/news or themes/newtheme/templates/system - or themes/newtheme/templates/system/blocks)
4) Enable "Update module templates from themes/yourtheme folder" in System Admin -> General Settings
5) Enable the theme selection block for your own user and make the theme selectable from that block
6) Put the changed templates in the relevant subfolders

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Re: Theme and relative Templates
  • 2005/6/27 16:37

  • banned

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 159

  • Since: 2004/5/16

>4) Enable "Update module templates from themes/yourtheme folder" in System Admin -> General Settings

This is a very Database killer, can't be possible in next releases (2.2, 2.4?) to 'hook' a certain theme to a certain template set?


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