Removing template_c permanently?
  • 2005/6/21 12:34

  • MikeFalcor

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2005/6/21

Howdy! I am finding it more difficult to do everything than it really should be. First off, if I want to chnge the way something looks on my site, I have to edit the correct file. Thats fine. THEN, I have to upload...duh. Then (assuming it has anything to do with a module) I have to update the module...ok...I can live with that. That should be all, right? Nooooooooo...I then have to delete the entire contents (save for the index.html) of the template_c directory? What is the point of this? Is there ANY way to get rid of this rediculously annoying step? I don't CARE about template_c!! Why the heck does it even EXIST?!

If someone could please tell me (1) what the template_c dir's purpose is and (2) how to get rid of it in it's entirety I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Re: Removing template_c permanently?

In that folder you can find the cached template files, which help your site to serve pages faster. A good reason for the folder to be there

If you do not empty that folder while the caching time in your settings for the speficic module did not yet expire, you risk that the user will still see the cached template instead of the new template.

Re: Removing template_c permanently?

Then you're doing it the wrong way. For theme changes there is a System Preferences setting to update the templates_c when any changes are made to the theme's html files (css changes don't require this setting).

For template changes I find it much easier to clone the default template set and work directly off the clone set. No module updating required.

You can lower or shut off caching of blocks and modules while working on them so that changes are seen right away. Don't forget to turn the caching back on and to set the Preferences back to optimum when finished.

Re: Removing template_c permanently?

I turn off cache too for the module when I am working on the template, so I do not need to empty the templates_c folder. This makes it a little bit easier. Otherwise emptying templates_c should do the trick.

When I make changes to the templates of a module however I need to update the module to see the effects of the changes. I should check again perhaps, but I remember using the option in the admin general settings to update template files from directory only applied to the themes folder...

Re: Removing template_c permanently?

So many people jump in and delete the contents of templates_c, while as wtravel said it only requires the flick of a switch in System admin.

Re: Removing template_c permanently?
  • 2005/6/21 13:37

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

AFAIK - Template_c is compiled templates - not cached?

(I'm probably wrong though! )

Re: Removing template_c permanently?
  • 2005/6/21 13:41

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

There's some stuff about emptying templates_c in this thread.

Re: Removing template_c permanently?

When I make changes to the templates of a module however I need to update the module to see the effects of the changes. I should check again perhaps, but I remember using the option in the admin general settings to update template files from directory only applied to the themes folder...

Yes, templates_c is only for compiled templates which also includes theme files. The System setting for updating themes will cover theme changes without having to clear templates_c. Template changes are a different story.

I avoid updating modules as much as possible. There are always changes to some settings back to default and I have to run around putting my settings back. What I do is to work directly off the cloned templates via System/Templates. Granted the templates editor is ugly but I copy/paste between the default editor and a local editor to make it easier and cleaner. Changes to templates are shown right away (within any caching timeouts that might be in place).

Re: Removing template_c permanently?

What I do is to work directly off the cloned templates via System/Templates. Granted the templates editor is ugly but I copy/paste between the default editor and a local editor to make it easier and cleaner. Changes to templates are shown right away (within any caching timeouts that might be in place).

Dito, and never had any problems with the site not reflecting the changes.


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