Thanks for the flash tutorial, JD. At least I can now get a block up. However I still can't get it to list the sublinks. Lets see if I did all the right things:
Select Preferences from the Multimenu module.
Display main page = no
Banner = no
nav bar, icons = no
image wiodth = 0
menu to display = none
Theme = path
Menu Title 01= "College Documents"
Display in Index=Yes
The rest left untouched. Go1
Add two Permanent sublinks
"get the College Manual". Relative link to file. Absolute link to picture. Make it accessible to webmasters, Members and anonymous. Status Online (different from Visible?) .Target self.
"get MOPS". Relative link to file. no link to picture. Make it accessible to webmasters, Members only. Status Online. Target self
Go to Blocks Admin
Set menu Block #1 (College Documents) to right side, weight 4
Make visible on all pages
Block format = Unordered List, 1 column
Links to display = All, by weight
Display Title and Image
Leave the rest untouched
So when I drop in on the site I see only the Block Title, no sublinks, regardless of user type.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: A total uninstall, reinstall did the trick.
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...