This request came up earlier within another thread, but up until now there is no actual solution for it.
I just created an extra user group as your suggested called "Expired Members" and gave it the same access permissions as a "Guest User" so they cannot view anything in the private area.
This isn't a great solution to my opinion. Fact is that registered user, regardles their group and given permissions, keep on having acces to use the PM feature, can submit content, may see other payd registered users and so on.
After all, the only setting you have is that anonymous or registered user may submit content (read links, news, donwloads etc.), useability of PM etc. I think these features may only be used by payed members.
The differences between registered users and payd registered are to small.
I still wonder why as an admin I cannot deactivate a member. The only influence I got is to activate his/hers registration.
I think I as an admin should be possible to deactivate a member and this member can be re-activated only by the admin. Not by the user himself.
The option of banning the user isn't an option either, since he/she may visit your site.
The other question I have is: Why, as soon you delete a member his/hers used name within its posts changes into guest/visitor ( or whatever your setting is for anonymous none registered users).
Wouldn't it be possible to keep formally registered usernames somewhere 'active'. After all the user wasn't an anonymous visitor when the posting was done.
Perhaps there is a way to add a setting posiblity within the specific groupspermissions: may use PM, may submit content etc. Also the possibility of a timelimit setting of a membership would be great. As soon as a membership timelimit has expired the user gets de-activated automaticly and can only be re-activated by the admin.
Grtz., Shine