Re: Unable to access Edit User permissions X2.2.3a
  • 2006/8/16 0:18

  • zANavAShi

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Hi Dave, sorry for slow reply but I've been crazy busy here.

To answer your question, yes I am using Extended Profiles module. This module is the best thing since sliced bread IMO and it gives me the best possible control and customisations over my members accounts and profiles.

I think I should also explain that the I was trying to use that checkbox to assign account editing priviledges to a site member who needs to add/edit user accounts but I need to block his ability to mess about with system/module configurations (which is why I cannot give him full admin access)

Do I understand correctly that the "Edit Users" checkbox is redundant now so there is no need for me to worry that I cannot activate that checkbox? And I can give this member full user account management access just by assigning his user group access to the Extended Profiles module?

Thanks again for all your replies.

Re: Unable to access Edit User permissions X2.2.3a
  • 2006/8/12 13:52

  • zANavAShi

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  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2005/5/6 5


Dave_L wrote:
In the group permissions it shows that the "Edit Users" checkbox is not checked

I'm using 2.2.4, and I don't see an "Edit Users" checkbox. Where exactly is it?

In my XOOPS website it is in Administrators area under Users>>Groups>>Modify Group. See my screencapture above where I have placed a red line around the checkbox that will not stay "checked".

That screenshot was taken from the Administrators profile and the "Web Admin" user group which we are looking at in the pic was called "Webmaster" in the default install.

Is it possible that this "Edit Users" checkbox is some remnant from my original XOOPS v2.0.13.1 that shouldn't be there since I upgraded to v2.2.3?

If another member here is running XOOPS v2.2.x which was upgraded from an old v2.0.x, would you mind checking in your Group settings to see if you have an "Edit Users" option?

Cheers for all your responses guys :)

Re: Unable to access Edit User permissions from Admin account
  • 2006/8/12 11:49

  • zANavAShi

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jensclas wrote:
Xoops version is v2.2.3a Final

I don't use this version (not recomended etc) - though there are some that do so you will need to be patient for the right person to come along...I will edit the subject header to see if that helps attract attention for you. In the meantime try a search on 2.2.3a user permissions - you may well find an answer. Sorry i can't be of more help!

LOL I only upgraded to this version in January this year because a few of the XOOPS gurus here absolutely insisted my site was insecure using v2.0.13.1 and I should upgrade as soon as possible.

It's caused me nothing but grief ever since (including having to dump a few nice modules that were never upgraded for XOOPS 2.2.x) but there's just too much been added to the site in the last 8 months so I am basically stuck with trying to make the best of what I got.

FWIW I tried upgrading to XOOPS v2.2.4 and the issue remained.


Re: Unable to access Edit User permissions from Admin account
  • 2006/8/10 4:58

  • zANavAShi

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  • Since: 2005/5/6 5

PS: don't know if it has any impact on the issue, but the previous webhost we were on was using MySQL 4.0.25 with PHP 4.3.11 and this new one is MySQL 4.0.27 with PHP 4.4.1 (both on Apache 1.3.33)

Oh, and FWIW, I have built a customised local WAMP server with exact same versions of Apache/MySQL/PHP as our current webhost to make sure I was testing locally in exact same server environment.

Re: Unable to access Edit User permissions from Admin account
  • 2006/8/10 4:53

  • zANavAShi

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  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2005/5/6 5

Xoops version is v2.2.3a Final (upgraded from v2.0.13.1 January this year and working fine until the site migration)

First thing I checked was the chmods on webhost server. I have mirrored the site to a local test server and still not been able to keep that "Edit Users" checkbox to hold.

Anyway, my sites community members have going apeshit at me, so I caved in and decided to rebuild the website from a backup I made a few months ago.

I would still be interested to hear any ideas as to what they issue might so I can find some constructive learning out of this tiresome experience.


Re: Unable to access Edit User permissions from Admin account
  • 2006/8/9 9:41

  • zANavAShi

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C'mon guys, surely there must be someone here who is able to help me with some ideas here?

Unable to access Edit User permissions X2.2.3a
  • 2006/8/4 2:25

  • zANavAShi

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  • Since: 2005/5/6 5

I recently migrated a XOOPS website to a new webhost and have been having access problems with several of our site modules since.

The most critical issue I need to resolve at the moment is that we have completely lost the ability to edit members accounts. Individual members are unable to edit their own user accounts and the Administration account has lost it's abilty to do so either, however it is still able to create new accounts.

In the group permissions it shows that the "Edit Users" checkbox is not checked, and when I check this box and save the settings it fails to reassign those permissions and redirects me back to the original screen with checkbox still inactive, see this screenshot below:

Resized Image

This is quite a serious issue and I urgently need to find a resolution for it. Please can anybody help me out with this and direct me to where I can hack XOOPS to reenable this functionality again.

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Re: Spaces in username 2.2
  • 2006/1/6 9:24

  • zANavAShi

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Irmtfan you are an angel!!! Thanks so much for this. I had same problem with my user database also and had to revert back to 2.0.13 so I can't wait to try this out at the weekend....


Re: Allow Spaces in Username Hack (easy!)
  • 2006/1/6 9:21

  • zANavAShi

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Ooooh no I hadn't seen this (didn't turn up in any of my site searches for some bizarre reason) so thanks for the headsup!

Re: Allow Spaces in Username Hack (easy!)
  • 2006/1/6 6:35

  • zANavAShi

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  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2005/5/6 5


nyb50 wrote:
Can someone modify this hack to work on XOOPS 2.2?

I echo that request!

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