Hey guys,
Sorry for the slow reply. I tried installing both plugins in a fresh install of XOOPS 2.92 and RSSFit 1.03 and copied my rssfit.comments.phps to the plugin directory, renaming to rssfit.comments.php.
When I go to Manage Plugins in the admin menu for RSSFit I see all the modules and I can install the comments plugin. Once installed I can still see the other plugins.
Make sure you don't have any spurious files in the RSSFit plugin directory. If the file is .phps it will not work. If there are other files in there (eg. .something) then it confuses the admin module and none of the plugins appear.
You might also turn on PHP debug / MySQL debug in the XOOPS system preferences and see if there are any messages.
Can you give me more details of how you installed these plugins?
Sorry I can't be more help.