Mikhail Miguel wrote:
phppp wrote:
Mikhail Miguel wrote:
phppp, this was posted today on XOOPS japan:
"XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6"
Im downloading now, to merge with the new XOOPS server.
So, why not a chinese version?
Mikhail, thanks for the info.
As I said, we have already had a Chinese version but not released due to a few problems.
I understand, im *still* working with the xsas replacement, not released due a few problems too (and the main problem is TIME)...
I have been awaiting the XSAS 1.2 by which I hope:
1 change the words in "DOCS"=>"ABOUT XSAS": allowing you a hassle free way to get going with Mambo Open Source in an amazingly short period of time.
Hehe, ok, no problem: was just an experimental version, with a lot of "copy + paste + replace" of texts and programs alread done, like xsas, miniserver/uniserver, xampp, and "MOS" (mambo jambo stay alone server).
"The program" still have no name in english, but in portuguese is called KHAOX Server (thinking in a nietzsche quote from "thus spake zarathustra"; something like "you need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star")...
2 make the interface and manual translatable so that I can make a full Chinese version
SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The idea is translate via .ini files, like:
p01_bt01 = "Yes"
p01_bt02 = "No"
p05_bt07 = "Zip all modules"
p07_bt03 = "Make a screenshot"
p01_bt02 = "Create a new database"
p03_bt08 = "Faith is not wanting to know what is true."
p06_bt05 = "There are no facts, only interpretations."
p21_bt09 = "Fear is the mother of morality."
p26_bt10 = "Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."
p11_bt13 = "Zope and Mambo Sux."
p31_bt22 = "XOOPS RuleZ"
p01_bt01 = "..."
p01_bt02 = "..."
p05_bt07 = "......."
p01_bt02 = ".........."
Ah! And you can change the configurations of php and MySQL via ini files to, look this 'old' screenshot:

[]s! and thanks for your feedback!!!!!!!!! (I need more)[/quote]
Im looking for 'the best' language format standard,
and the conclusion is:
Format: .ini
Best ".ini" editor: initranslator
Ini Translator is a utility program to translate ini-style language files. These files are used by various software programs (Inno Setup, ISTool, FlashGet and Wallpaper Sequencer to name a few). This help file is a short description on how the program works and what functions it provides.

The main window contains (from top to bottom): a menu and a toolbar at the top, a detail pane displaying info about the currently selected item in the item list, a field with the current original text and a field with the current translation text and a statusbar with various information about the currently loaded files.
Main features of the program:
* Developed with Delphi 7 (but compiles with Delphi 6 as well)
* Uses Troy Wolbrinks TNT Unicode controls for correct display regardless of locale
* Uses Toolbar2000 from Jordan Russell, TBX from Alex Denisov and TBX Themes from Roy Magne Klever for that slick look
* Uses Addict spell checker kindly donated by Addictive Software
* Search and replace
* Support for dictionaries
* Bookmarks
* Column sorting
* Quickly find untranslated items or items that looks "suspect"
* Command line interface with "script"-capability
* Localizable using ini-style language files
* Plugin interface to load and save to any type of file format. The plugins can be developed in any programming language that can create DLL's
* Windows XP theme support
And surprise: "Several plugins supplied with the install, among them parsers for
XOOPS, PO, PHP, PHP Nuke, IB Forum, Mozilla Messenger and SciTE..."
http://sourceforge.net/projects/initranslator/Ah, and run fine via Wine (linux). Is open source like XoopsLang, coded in Delphi7,...so... not hard to build a native *nix version, maybe.
[]s, zzZZz
Mikhail! ZZZZzzZ