Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/4 16:50

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19


Herko Coomans wrote:
Now that we had these nice interludes (most of which in a language I don't understand),

Please, considers this thread as an exception,… I know: the English is the standard of this site, and something like this can be considered until a lack of respect with the other visitors (I think). But… particularly, I like and think interesting to read and to try to understand when the people write in native languages, still not understanding 50% of that it is written… (particularly)


can we get back to the topic of this thread,

sure, was a great and produtive brainstorm,
a "start point".


...and create a awesome demo CD with sample content? The LIVE CD is a great option to explore, but we also need to focus on the content we will have available... Thoughts?

Im "following the following" steps:

1. Finish the "substitute" of XSAS, that still does not have a name in English. Just XOOPS Server? Well, I gave the name of KhaoX, but someones can find "negative" excessively.... I dont know.

2. Update 10 sites in XOOPS, including the XOOPS Brasil (mainly), that have serious problems, is necessary to reinstalled with care urgently.

3, The XOOPS LIVE CD. - Well... easy remaster a knoppix distro and make a XOOPS LiveCD, smaller than DamnSmallLinux distro. But is impossible to do with quality in one or two days. I will enter in contact with the Debian Brasil community to ask for help with this work... My idea is make the smaller live cd possible, contends only the necessary one to run XOOPS com.security. But is just an idea....



Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/4 17:01

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Mikhail Miguel wrote:
Im "following the following" steps:

1. Finish the "substitute" of XSAS, that still does not have a name in English. Just XOOPS Server? Well, I gave the name of KhaoX, but someones can find "negative" excessively.... I dont know.

Is this for the LIVE CD that we can use as a demo, or is that bullet 3.? The XSAS worked like a charm on this conference, but we can always improve this.


2. Update 10 sites in XOOPS, including the XOOPS Brasil (mainly), that have serious problems, is necessary to reinstalled with care urgently.

What does this have to do with this thread? I'm asking because I don't understand, not because I disagree.


3, The XOOPS LIVE CD. - Well... easy remaster a knoppix distro and make a XOOPS LiveCD, smaller than DamnSmallLinux distro. But is impossible to do with quality in one or two days. I will enter in contact with the Debian Brasil community to ask for help with this work... My idea is make the smaller live cd possible, contends only the necessary one to run XOOPS com.security. But is just an idea....
It doesn't need to be available in 2-3 days, as we finished the PHP Conference already. Like I said, the LIVE CD is a great idea, but we also need to focus on the CONTENT for that CD It's going to have to convince people to get XOOPS, but also to become a member of XOOPS.org, perhaps make a donation etc.




Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/4 17:10

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19


Damaster wrote:
I got the Stanley Kubrick collection for Christmas

Now the XOOPS server can "speak" (work only with XP)


Any way, it's freaky stuff... Now, how we can apply such theory to the new forks well, maybe this is not so funny, never mind my friend!... We'll be ready for the next step!

The Easiest Multi-Language Hack of Gijoe works just fine with Rowd Site Language module and Kiang Language Tool but I need a day or two to test Marc-André multilinguage module.

Then i'll be back to the lab to meet ergonomicists and designers before i start the doc translation (project management, ergo-processes,etc.) XOOPS Blog and XOOPS E-Learning, both already run with ML - english, français, portugues and it's onefilehack to switch to any other x.ml


Let me know about any "merging" result!

P.S. NO PRINCÍPIO ERA O CAOS. Realmente antes de tudo existiu o Khaos (Hesíodo)!

More theory, froma german magazine (talvez você goste desse texto, perdão por não ter tempo de converter em PDF, FLASH ou DJVU):

Is about Gerd Binnig a German physicist who shared with Heinrich Rohrer half of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Physics for their invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). In 1989 he published the book Aus dem Nichts (Out of Nothing), which posited that creativity grows from disorder. - (for me, disorder is another way to say "chaos").... and sorry again, in portuguese:

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Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/4 17:16

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19

Herko Coomans wrote...

and only now I understand.

I thought that the server and the content were unnecessary for now... today is the last day of the conference? How much time you will be there?

Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/4 18:39

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1


Mikhail Miguel wrote:
and only now I understand.

I thought that the server and the content were unnecessary for now... today is the last day of the conference? How much time you will be there?

I was there for 2 days, and that was as long as it lasted. It wasn't a big conference (only about 250 people attending the talks), but there was some nice interest in XOOPS, and we gave away about 18 demo CD's. All in all not too bad. And I got to meet Rowd (again) and Wtravel (1st time), which was a very good thing

Anyways, this doesn't mean your work is for nothing, now we can build a really really good demo CD we can try to send along with PHP magazine or something like that And distribute at schools, uni's, events, etc.


Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/5 3:10

  • damaster

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 556

  • Since: 2003/5/11

Thanks a lot Mikhail for the portuguese article that strengthen the idea that came up to me:

Nuno wrote:
It seems the human being is repeating since the beginning the same behavior in many domains of existence. We have the Mandelbrot fractals example as a visual representation but without time to think about it we still calling it - the progress (ion)!... or the corporation !?

I’ll add it to my course, Art Media Lab R&D, as we can apply it to creative process like it was applied to our life by some Corporations (some people makes you aware!). Last year we studied networks, Digital Communities, Walter Benjamin, real corporation’s identities and much more… and i always do it with Hakim Bey’s TAZ concept in mind…

"...this time however I come as the victorious Dionysus, who will turn the world into a holiday...Not that I have much time..."

--Nietzsche (from his last "insane" letter to Cosima Wagner)

++ Processes/docs

How people make decisions involving multiple objectives and under uncertainty?
Why not apply simulation to decision problems and revising judgments in the light of new information with risk and uncertainty management in mind.
How to make decisions involving groups of individuals, resource allocation and negotiation problems?
Well, you’ll find it in our faq

Herko Coomans wrote:
Now that we had these nice interludes (most of which in a language I don't understand), can we get back to the topic of this thread, and create a awesome demo CD with sample content? The LIVE CD is a great option to explore, but we also need to focus on the content we will have available...


Yes, a lot, and what about you ?
I’m joking… I already know “you delegate”.

You know I wish you a better future as I wish it to my kids.

And I’m working on XOOPS to make it so easy that even 5 years old children or persons with disabilities could use it!
So, first of all, maybe back to school, as I’m doing, to learn some other languages (it's a form of disability);
maybe Chinese or Japanese for now.
Just think about their mental activity when they use three alphabets !!!!!
But never mind, as I mention above, we need to think about a few things before acting.

Mikhail wrote :
I like and think interesting to read and to try to understand when the people write in native languages…

I agree. Considering Cognition..

Mikhail Miguel wrote:
Im "following the following" steps:

1. Finish the "substitute" of XSAS, that still does not have a name in English. Just XOOPS Server? Well, I gave the name of KhaoX, but someones can find "negative" excessively.... I dont know.

2. Update 10 sites in XOOPS, including the XOOPS Brasil (mainly), that have serious problems, is necessary to reinstalled with care urgently.

3, The XOOPS LIVE CD. - Well... easy remaster a knoppix distro and make a XOOPS LiveCD, smaller than DamnSmallLinux distro. But is impossible to do with quality in one or two days. I will enter in contact with the Debian Brasil community to ask for help with this work... My idea is make the smaller live cd possible, contends only the necessary one to run XOOPS com.security. But is just an idea....

1. Maybe keep “XoopServer”
2. Sites : Blog, Corporation, E-Learning, Gallery, Etc.
3. An easy and light solution!? It seems a good idea the “partnership” one. Maybe the Public Relation Team could help here too.

My 2cts (euros)

Herko Coomans wrote:
(…) Like I said, the LIVE CD is a great idea, but we also need to focus on the CONTENT for that CD It's going to have to convince people to get XOOPS, but also to become a member of XOOPS.org, perhaps make a donation etc.

“Make a donation” to whom and what for?
You have to be clear to keep XOOPS as an open source project and not make it look likes a corporation running after profit

Herko Coomans wrote:
Anyways, this doesn't mean your work is for nothing, now we can build a really really good demo CD we can try to send along with PHP magazine or something like that And distribute at schools, uni's, events, etc.

For sure !
Here, “building a really good demo CD”, each of us will have the possibility to make profit.
With a XOOPS demo CD, we’ll have a great tool to “explain” and show XOOPS capacities and possibilities, as discussed in other threads, example here

Jdseymour wrote :
Yes. It is legal. They are paying for your time not for the CMS.

Where are we? What do we do? Where do we go?

Hope Xoopsers will find here (cd) a way to get free time and improve the cms powered by themselves!
Does this seems fair to you? Because it does to me.

May the 4th be an enlightening to the 5th (senses)!
I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!

Re: XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6
  • 2005/5/5 3:22

  • damaster

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 556

  • Since: 2003/5/11

@ Mikhail

Podes mudar as imagen para um link e nome para referencia, do teu ultimo post. Guardei uma copia e espero incluir a ideia em projetos futuros.


@ Herko

Can you please check for "Modified Link Styles - Problems w/ Images" posted by Jason at XOOPS Theme Forge to resolve this kind of "broken page" issue?

I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!

Re: [Need help!] Presenting XOOPS at the PHP Spring Conference
  • 2005/5/5 12:13

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19

Mikhail Miguel wrote:

phppp wrote:

Mikhail Miguel wrote:

phppp, this was posted today on XOOPS japan:

"XSAS with XOOPS Corporate Portal (XSAS/XCP) v0.6"


Im downloading now, to merge with the new XOOPS server.
So, why not a chinese version?



Mikhail, thanks for the info.

As I said, we have already had a Chinese version but not released due to a few problems.

I understand, im *still* working with the xsas replacement, not released due a few problems too (and the main problem is TIME)...


I have been awaiting the XSAS 1.2 by which I hope:

1 change the words in "DOCS"=>"ABOUT XSAS": allowing you a hassle free way to get going with Mambo Open Source in an amazingly short period of time.

Hehe, ok, no problem: was just an experimental version, with a lot of "copy + paste + replace" of texts and programs alread done, like xsas, miniserver/uniserver, xampp, and "MOS" (mambo jambo stay alone server).

"The program" still have no name in english, but in portuguese is called KHAOX Server (thinking in a nietzsche quote from "thus spake zarathustra"; something like "you need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star")...


2 make the interface and manual translatable so that I can make a full Chinese version

SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The idea is translate via .ini files, like:

p01_bt01 = "Yes"
p01_bt02 = "No"
p05_bt07 = "Zip all modules"
p07_bt03 = "Make a screenshot"
p01_bt02 = "Create a new database"
p03_bt08 = "Faith is not wanting to know what is true."
p06_bt05 = "There are no facts, only interpretations."
p21_bt09 = "Fear is the mother of morality."
p26_bt10 = "Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."
p11_bt13 = "Zope and Mambo Sux."
p31_bt22 = "XOOPS RuleZ"

p01_bt01 = "..."
p01_bt02 = "..."
p05_bt07 = "......."
p01_bt02 = ".........."


Ah! And you can change the configurations of php and MySQL via ini files to, look this 'old' screenshot:

Resized Image

[]s! and thanks for your feedback!!!!!!!!! (I need more)[/quote]

Im looking for 'the best' language format standard,
and the conclusion is:

Format: .ini
Best ".ini" editor: initranslator

Ini Translator is a utility program to translate ini-style language files. These files are used by various software programs (Inno Setup, ISTool, FlashGet and Wallpaper Sequencer to name a few). This help file is a short description on how the program works and what functions it provides.


Resized Image

The main window contains (from top to bottom): a menu and a toolbar at the top, a detail pane displaying info about the currently selected item in the item list, a field with the current original text and a field with the current translation text and a statusbar with various information about the currently loaded files.

Main features of the program:

* Developed with Delphi 7 (but compiles with Delphi 6 as well)
* Uses Troy Wolbrinks TNT Unicode controls for correct display regardless of locale
* Uses Toolbar2000 from Jordan Russell, TBX from Alex Denisov and TBX Themes from Roy Magne Klever for that slick look
* Uses Addict spell checker kindly donated by Addictive Software
* Search and replace
* Support for dictionaries
* Bookmarks
* Column sorting
* Quickly find untranslated items or items that looks "suspect"
* Command line interface with "script"-capability
* Localizable using ini-style language files
* Plugin interface to load and save to any type of file format. The plugins can be developed in any programming language that can create DLL's
* Windows XP theme support

And surprise: "Several plugins supplied with the install, among them parsers for XOOPS, PO, PHP, PHP Nuke, IB Forum, Mozilla Messenger and SciTE..."


Ah, and run fine via Wine (linux). Is open source like XoopsLang, coded in Delphi7,...so... not hard to build a native *nix version, maybe.

[]s, zzZZz

Mikhail! ZZZZzzZ

  • 2005/5/5 13:48

  • ayumi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2003/4/24


There is XOOPS live CD here. It's titled 'XNOPPIX (Xoops and Knoppix) and works with Japanese, though.

  • 2005/5/5 19:08

  • damaster

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 556

  • Since: 2003/5/11

Hi Ayumi,

Thanks for sharing. I'm downloading it.

@ Everybody

Maybe it will be better to start another thread:
"Xoops Demo CD"


I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!


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