Development is rolling along with this project!
I have completed most of the main artist profile editing features and things are going great!
Here is what is done so far:
-Users can view artist profiles from the names list.
-Admin can enable users to directly add a new profile, with auto-approve enabled, or not.
-Admin can also set the "Add new profile" link to integrate with a form to answer specific questions which might get included in their profile page.
This can be integrated with ANY forms generator module, I chose to use Liase becasue it had all the features I was looking for like requiring certain entires to be answered and making a thank you link, which works great with TinyContent.
Other form generators this module will work with are here: (thx carnuke)
-Admin can allow users to edit the profile(s) they own.
-Admins can edit any profile
-Users can edit their own profile
-Profiles can include Artist name, URL, location, members (if a group), photo, Unlimited description with basic HTML formatting tags allowed.
-Admin can set if users can make updates to their profile OR link them to a page to make change requests.
-Comments can be enabled or diabled for the profiles.
-Module works perfectly with any group permission settings, like allowing other admins to manage profiles without giving them full admin access.
-Admins can disble or enable any profile at anytime
-User can set if their profile is viewable or not.
-Admins can assign a profile to be OWNED by any user ID, to allow that user to maintain their own prifle page.
I have met both milestones as set previously in this thread and will soon start on the feature that allows Track management and MP3 streaming listening capabilities.
These tracks will also have comments system available for users to add comments to any track, not just the profile page.
I will also add the ability for users to upload their own profile image,photo and also upload mp3 tracks.
Im keeping in mind all features in this thread and am making steady progess towards this module's goals.
Still looking for translators, for when the module is released.. already have German and Japansese covered. Need the rest.
A demo of the module can be seen at can view the existing profiles, but the module requires user registration to add/edit profiles, which is where all the new features can be found.
I anticipate making a release soon, but not all track features will be part of it until i get those done. I plan on the actual music tracks part to be added this upcoming week.
I hope someone finds this interesting :)
Best Regards,