This is with a problem that we are trying to address with the XOOPS Theme Forge.
The problem is this: Theme designers either design for their or a clients needs, meaning, a well designed theme, will only be adapted for a specific set of modules, explicitly those, they or their clients use.
Currently if you download a theme, you will most likely need to edit the templates of modules you have installed, due to the above.
One can't expect designers to develop template addaption for their themes, for every existing module out there. Never the less, people do adapt templates for their needs, so what we need is a cental template repository.
Now the sturucture of this repository seems overwhelming at first, but its outcome is largely dependent on community support, IOW member contributions.
Currently we already have a nice theme collection together. Never the less, as stated above, the look and feel is not only governed by themes, but also by templates. This has been a negleted side, when talking about themeing XOOPS powered sites.
XTF will organize projects, that have set as their goal, to develop different sets of templates, with a concern for layout and interface design, IOW how best to present, give access to, and collect data.
A good idea would be, to have different teams, that take upon them, to collect template sets of modules, which are addaptions for specific themes.
To display the organisation a little clearer, let me try myself with an example. You Dan have just released hypertheme. As this is your theme, you would start of the project, asking users of your theme, to send to you their template modifications. Some you will like, others you wont. Never the less, on your project page, just as we have a file repository on, there will be a file repository for projects hosted on XTF.
So all template files sent to you, you upload to ths file reository. Which should grow with module template sets, that you don't use, and never have bothered with, but are addapted for your theme, so that more people can use your theme now, without having to worry about template addaption.
Additonaly you can offer different kinds of GUI for exisiting modules. I am hopeing here, that there will evolve special interest groups, that will concentrate on the GUI of certain modules. We do already have one such group, which is trying to develop a new set of templates for newBB forums.
There is another solution to the above problem, which is to standardise template design of modules, but that is something that would take a lot of discussion, and even more work, while I'm not even sure, it is satisfyingly doable.
So, to answer your question, yes it would be best, if templates matching your theme existed for all modules, but no one can expect you to do this work (especially not on your own, and not being paid for). While this would be a great feat, and an admirable contribution, I'm sure you would prefer to work on new modules, than 'playing' around with template sets
But get others to send their adaptions to you, and include a modified template set with your theme files. In the end, it all comes down to, how much work you want and can comit to a project.....