Do you have PHP? Version. Yes. PHP 4.3.9
Do you have SQL? Version. Yes. MySQL 3.23.58
Apache/ISS/Other? Version. Apache 1.3.33
Xoops? Version. 1.3.10
Do you have a DB, with correct name and pass. Yes.
Register Globals, on/off? off
Xoops URL?
http://localhost/Xoops Path? d:\htdocs\
Can you see install.php? yes
Can you see index.php? yes
Including a message "selected module does not exist" in the center part
Can you loging?
log in?
Not really. Whatever user or pass I use it gets me to /user.php and any action on that page loops back.
Trying to log in generates this:
Apache: - - [14/Nov/2004:07:08:22 +0100] "POST /user.php HTTP/1.1" 200 9083
PHP generates no errors or warnings. Odd enough no cookies are getting set (though are allowed) and no sessions are entered in the database.
UPDATE: My bad, just took a look at the code and noticed $op being read as is thus assumed I had to turn globals on
Just been at another problem (new MySQL 4.1 server hashing passwords differently) so long that I just start making stupid mistakes like this :slapshead: Sorry if I wasted anyone's time...