Sorry Mike, I thought I posted the part when I edited my Message about the Email generation script. I guess I cut to much. oops..
Yeah it does a great job, I was impressed with the addys, but it does suck some resources... Trading one resource hog for another doesn't work very well.... Maybe let it generate a static page of 500 addresses, using a cron job to update the list or do it manually...
Searching logs can find the bot, I've seen an article on how to block them.. But like teleport pro, I just turn off the obey robot text and continue taking what I want off a website.. So that clearly isn't going to work... Nor will ip blocking. Not to a dedicated spammer...
Encoders seem to easy, I would think they could read them..One php generator example is here :
Paul Gregg's Email EncoderObfuscators would probably be the best bet for xoops. But if it's incorporated into XOOPS the variable should be named by the admin.. Each site is completely different in how they do it. So they would have to figure out the pattern process for each site rather then just a one for all solution
for all sites..
Well I'll be one playing with it, on a javaside anyway ( not much of a php writer yet ).. It will include a .js file and I'll have to dig through the XOOPS files. ugh...
But first I got a new motherboard and processers screaming to be stuffed into my box