Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2004/12/30 16:23

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

First off I want to say congrats - this forum module is head and shoulders above the old one. However, I seem to have a problem with SOME of my users, and brace yourself, it's an odd one!

First, it seems to vary from user to user (NOT username on site, but human to human). They cannot post or rarely can they post. The symptoms are USUALLY an error "Already Submitted" when they try to reply or post a new topic. Occaisionally, they get:


An Error Occured
SELECT t.*, u.name, u.uname,u2.name as last_post_name, u2.uname as last_poster, p.post_time as last_post_time, p.poster_name as last_poster_name, p.icon, p.post_id FROM xoops_bb_topics t LEFT JOIN xoops_users u ON u.uid = t.topic_poster LEFT JOIN xoops_bb_posts p ON p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id LEFT JOIN xoops_users u2 ON u2.uid = p.uid WHERE (p.post_time > 1095783589 OR t.topic_sticky=1) AND t.forum_id = AND t.approved = 1 AND p.approved = 1 ORDER BY t.topic_sticky DESC, p.post_time DESC
If the page does not automatically reload, please click here

Some of my users are reporting that it happens if they type longer messages, although the smarter of them have guessed it's not the length of the message, but the length of time between starting a new message and hitting 'submit'!

Other users are getting the normal 'Thanks for your submission' message but the message does NOT get posted!

I have backed up the database, run a complete repair (myisamchk) and started back up - no change.

I have turned on full MySQL logging, this is so verbose that although I can find the spots where users are successful (INSERT INTO xoops_bb_posts/xoops_bb_posts_text) I cannot see where they are unsuccessful except by their absence.

Help help help?!?!

Thank you,


P.S. These same users are all able to post comments on articles and pictures in MyAlbum etc etc - the problem only seems to appear in Forum)

Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/3 3:36

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

Does no one have an idea of where I should be looking for this? I have complete control over this server so I can get any diagnostics, make any changes, whatever is required!

Please help!



Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final

I am having the EXACT same problem!

Except I get this error message EVERY time I try to do anything.
None of my forums, catagories or posts are showing up at all.

I am ALSO getting:
NewbbForumHandler::getForums error::SELECT FROM xoops_bb_forums ORDER BY forum_order

Whats the deal with this? And how do I fix it?

Any help? Pretty please?


Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/11 16:09

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

Looks like we are on our own mate...

I can't find out why it works for some and not others...THAT's what annoys me more than anything else!


Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/11 16:23

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

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it's not that you're on ya own, more of that it's really hard to find a solution for you, when we can't replicate your problem ourselves to find what could be causing it.. as it's frustrating you aswell.. it makes it a whole lot harder when it works for some but other users have problems.. the basis that it works fine for most, would suggest it works and that the other users who can't get it to work must have a problem their end.. that's not the case all the time, but as u see it's hard to hit the nail on the head as to speak..

are the users who have probelms, behind a firewall?

i have noticed errors similar when i was at college.. also some computers at my college work perfectly, where as the 1 on the desk next to me, gives errors like above when i try posting even on xoops.org, so i tend to try and stick with the computers i know work.. the weirdest thing tho is Y 1 works and the other doesn't when they both have the same O/S and setup..

Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/12 10:06

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

Ok thanks for your response. What I was hoping someone would do is ask me for more information - the real problem is that I can provide anything - I just don't know what to give you! As far as user issues - there is no single issue with who fails or not. All are using firewalls (working or not), and the type does njot seem to matter. My most consistent 'failer' is behind an IPCop firewall - NOT running Squid. I use Astaro and have no problems. Here at work we are using Cacheflow for proxying, Checkpoint for firewallinog, no problems. Other working (and sometimes not working) users are usnig home-DSL router/firewalls...

I have ensured that the site is trusted even on most users. No dice.



Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/15 11:15

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

Ok - I have been able to replicate this problem more or less frequently - can someone try the following:

Reply to a post, type something.
Leave your computer, wait for at least 5 minutes
Press submit

HOPEFULLY you will get 'THank you for your submission! already submitted!' and it will fail.

Finding out why this happens hopefully will lead us on to why it happens to some users ALL the time!


Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/15 11:21

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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are you or your users using a firewall application perhaps? This could very well be caused by the firewall blocking HTTP HEADER information. Add your site to the firewall's trusted sites list, and see if that solves the issues.


Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/15 11:37

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

A test message to find out if I can replicate it on even these venerated boards.


Re: Odd issues with NewBB2 final
  • 2005/1/15 11:40

  • bassclef

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/2/27

OK I couldn't replicate it here so far...



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