2002/8/21 12:42
Not too shy to talk
Posts: 138
Since: 2002/2/8 6
Herko Coomans wrote:I tried once myself, but got stuck somewhere (tried to add an expriy date to news posts, and failed).
2002/8/21 13:19
XOOPS is my life!
Posts: 4238
Since: 2002/2/4 1
2004/8/10 5:44
Just popping in
Posts: 4
Since: 2004/8/10
2004/8/11 4:01
Just can't stay away
Posts: 518
Since: 2004/8/5 9
daft009 wrote:would it be possible to get a copy of this?i need something like this too..
2004/8/11 16:51
Posts: 22
Since: 2004/2/11
2004/8/12 1:04
perhol wrote:I have done some search and replace in the sourcecode of the news 1.2 module to create a product module. So far I have only replaced news/topic/topics with product/category/categories. Some day I will start to play with templates and menus for the module. The module can be downladed HERE.
2004/8/12 6:55
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