I have no idea what causes the problem, but I fgrep-ed for functions that has to do with token and found this in function createToken in class/xoopssecurity.php
if ($timeout == 0) {
$timeout = intval($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['session_expire']) * 60; //session_expire is in minutes, we need seconds
if ($timeout == 0 || $timeout > 1000) { //if timeout is still zero - or a very large value
$timeout = 60*60; //set timeout to 60 minutes
So if $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['session_expire'] is in minutes and converted to seconds and found to be greater than 1000 sec (16min, 40sec) it is set to 3600 sec (60 min).
I don't know exactly how the code is called but it seams like the session timeout can be set to any value below 1000 sec. Any value greater than 1000 sec sets the session timeout to 3600 sec.
Am I right and could this have anything to to with it?