I have RssFit working well, and it validates. I believe I had to change one of the headers. It was a week or two ago, so I can't tell you exactly what I changed. But, if you view the SOURCE of my feed, not how it shows on the webpage.. The first three lines are like this.
xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
you would change the format/header lines in the template in the XOOPS admin panel. "rssfit_rss.html"
looks like this on my install now:
xml version="1.0" encoding="<{$rss_encoding}>"?>
Last time I checked it validated, I will check again after I post this.
But, it wouldn't validate until I changed one of the headers. This info may already be on the RSSFit site, at brandycoke.com. Also, for more info on some of the things I messed around with, you can search this forum, as well as the forum at brandycoke.com.
I have it working well with mylinks, booklists, news, and newbbex. I'm probably going to install wfsection or something and get it working on that. The plugins for newbbex and booklists were pretty easily cloned from newbb and mylinks plugins.
Then I added the ability to get the categories from some of the plugins, all of them do now. For the forum you only need to change:
$ret[$i]['category'] = $row['forum_name'];
$ret[$i]['category'] = 'Forum :: '.$row['forum_name'];
for instance to get it to show the category as "Forum :: Sub-Forumname" So the viewer knows where the post is coming from.
so now after making some changes the rss news feed will show web links, and the others as being in the category of "Module Name :: Category".. which is pretty cool for a news feed on a large site. It helps distinguish the posts.
I did a rewrite rule in .htaccess to point
http://desertmountains.com/modules/rss/rss.phphopefully making it more accessible and easier to type for me..
I have my feed listed in my xoopsheadline module, if you would like to view it there. I don't have much of a forum going, but you should see the other entries for the various plugins.
DesertMountains.com Headlinesps, if you view my site with Mozilla you can see how I am experimenting with "-moz-border-radius" in CSS to round corners off of elements.
good luck.